====== MySQL DB Connector ====== ===== Purpose ===== * This allows to create a connector to a MYSQL database and use it to store admin or tenant data * Make sure to create the target database **before** ===== Create database and user ===== * Log into your MYSQL DB then run the following: CREATE DATABASE ; CREATE USER ''@'%' identified by ''; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON .* TO ''@'%'; ===== Create the connector ===== * Create the connector and fill up the form: {{..:dbconnectors:pasted:20210713-155201.png}} ^ Parameter ^ Description ^ | **Title** | The display name of the MySQL db connector | | **Description** | Description of MySQL db connector | | **Host:** | The hostname or IP address of MySQL server | | **Port:** | The port used by MySQL server | | **Database name:** | Database used by the MySQL db connector | | **User/Password:** | Credentials to access the MySQL Server | | **Primary DB:** | To activate for the **Primary DB** | | **Initialize db:** | To activate for new databases |