====== Alarm console ====== ===== Purpose ===== * The alarm console application helps to visualize and manage all alarms received by the cockpit. * Those alarms are received via the alarm API and generated by monitoring agents. * Alarms parameters and life cycle can be visualized and updated through the console. * The console will help to have a perfect view of all current problems, how they evolve and how they are being addressed. ===== Alarm definition ===== * An alarm is the description of a particular problem. It is represented by the following parameters: ^ Parameter ^ Description ^ | Alarm message | A description of the problem | | Device | The device on which the alarm happened | | Severity | The alarm severity, defines how important is the message | | Status | The current state of the alarm in its lifecycle | | Raise time | The time when the alarm first showed up | | Timestamp | The time of the last occurence of the alarm | | Count | How many times the alarm has been detected since it was raised | | Assignee | Who is assigned to the alarm | **Alarm states:** ^ State ^ Description ^ | NEW | The alarm hasn't been processed by anyone | | ACKNOWLEGED | The alarm has been acknoleged and is assigned to a user | | SNOOZED | The alarm has been snoozed for a given time. It will be removed from the console until snooze time is over | | CLEAR | The alarm is manually removed from the console, or is cancelled by its generator. The problem is gone | ---- ===== The alarm console UI ===== ==== The alarm counter ==== * This widget displays the total number of current alarms, split by severities * It gives is a quick way to see the current number of alarms and its evolution {{..:application:pasted:alarmoverview.png}} ---- ==== The alarms table ==== * Shows the current active alarms in a table * You can order the alarms by most of their parameters * The tale allows to sort on multiple columns at once, just click on the column header to initiate the sort * For example, you can sort alarms per severity first, then timestamp * Click several times on table header to switch from ascending to descending * Each row has an edit button allowing to open the alarm details menu, showing more information. * A quick text filter allows to filter the currently displayed alarms based on text entry. * To right click on any alarm opens a contextual menu allowing to explicitly filter on a given parameter (include or exclude). See filter section for more details {{..:application:pasted:alarmtable.png}} ---- ==== The alarm filter ==== * You can define filters to display specific alarms * Those filters can be created by two ways: * Click on the **new button** to open filter edit menu * **Use contextual menu** (right click) to select alarm parameter values * Once filter parameters are set, you can save the filter for future use, just give it a name and save. * Current filtered parameters are displayed in bubbles below the filter select. * To apply a saved filter, just select it via the select widget and it will be applied directly. {{..:application:pasted:alarmfilter.png}} * You can manage your filters with the following actions: ^ Action ^ Effect ^ | Create | Open the filter edition screen^ | Edit | Edit the current filter to change name of parameters | | Save | Saves the current filter selection | | Apply | Apply the filter parameters selected via contextual menu | | Clear | Clears the current filter and reload all alarms | | Delete | Delete the current selected filter | * Contextual menu: **Right click** on any alarm parameter to display the filter select menu ^ Action ^ Effect ^ | Show matching | Directly filter on the selected parameter value | | Exclude matching | Directly filter out alarm having the same parameter value | | Filter in | Add the selected parameter value to the filter, without applying filter right away. This allows to select another parameter | | Filter out | Same as filter in, but for excluding a value | {{..:application:pasted:alarmfiltercontext.png}} **The alarm filter editor let you filter on the following parameters:** ^ Parameter ^ Example ^ | Status | Show NEW alarms only | | Severity | Show only critical alarms | | User | Show alarms affected to a specific user | | Device | Show alarms of a specific device | | Type | Show only alarms of HANA Systems | | Module | Sow only SAP jobs alarms | * You can set filter on several parameters * Don't forget to click on **Include** or **Exclude** to set the filter {{..:application:pasted:alarmfiltereditor.png}} ---- ==== The alarm details menu ==== From the alarm table, you can open the alarm details view by clicking on the view icon of a given row.\\ This menu will give a very detailed view of a particular alarm: * Alarm lifecycle history * Alarm messages and severity history * More contextual information about the alarm * You will also be able to the state of the alarm * Comments: You can see and add comment to the alarm. * Comments are useful to add contextual information to the alarm {{..:application:pasted:alarmeditor.png}} * The severity history tab will show an aggregated view of the alarm history accross time * It will show how many times (count) the alarm was received between each severity transition. * **By example, this can be usefull to visualize flapping alarms**