====== Users ====== Users settings menu helps to create and manage users. ===== Purpose ===== * The users settings shows a table of the existing users within the tenant * It allows the following actions: * Create/Edit a user * Delete/bulk delete users * Invite users {{..:settings:pasted:20210617-104847.png}} ---- ===== Create/Edit ===== * Press **Create** or select **Edit** in the table action menu to open the user editor * Set the users parameters * Enabled * Name * Email * Description * Password * Select the [[..:settings:authorizationprofiles|Authorization Profiles]] to associate with the user {{:common:icon_warning.png}} User name and password must be unique across all tenants. It must also follow a **strong** password policy, with at least: * 8 characters * 1 special character * 1 upper case * 1 lower case * 1 numeric {{..:settings:pasted:20210618-114433.png}} ---- ===== Delete/Bulk delete ===== * You can **delete** a single user or a group of users by either using the table action menu or the **delete selection** button ---- ===== Invite users ===== * You can invite users by providing a list of email addresses. * Each user will receive a subscription link by email allowing to create his account * You can directly define the team or the authorizations that will be automatically associated to each invited user * If a user doesn't receive the invite email, you can still retraive the invite link from the table and send it to him {{:products:cockpit:1.0:userguide:settings:pasted:20220617-152041.png}}