===== Guidelines ===== ==== Support system ==== * Support tickets are managed via our [[https://agentil.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/9|JIRA platform]] * You can register bugs and feature requests * If you don't have any account, please request it at ==== How to register a bug ==== * Describe the problem with as much as context as possible * Group and system for which the problem happened * Timeframe of the problem * Recurrence of the problem: How often does it happen ? * Attach screenshots of visual problems * **Attach logs**: Logs are most likely the only way to help solving the problem. There are several kinds of logs that you may attach: * Cockpit logs ([[https://wiki.agentil-software.com/doku.php?id=products:cockpit:1.0:userguide:administration:logs|Collected from cockpit superadmin menu]]) * For UI bugs, problem with managing data (errors on save/update/delete any data) * Pro.Monitor server logs ([[https://wiki.agentil-software.com/doku.php?id=products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:administration:adminconfig:logs|collected from Pro.Monitor UI]]) * Usefull to investigate UI bugs * Pro.Monitor **worker logs** ([[https://wiki.agentil-software.com/doku.php?id=products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:administration:adminconfig:logs|collected from Pro.Monitor UI]]) * Usefull to investigate Monitoring errors, shortdumps in SAP systems, connection errors * **To give even better chances to investigate:** * If you can reproduce the problem at will, you can activate DEBUG logs, then reproduce the problem so it gets catched with more verbosity in the logs.