====== Overview ====== ===== What is Pro.Monitor Cockpit ? ===== * Pro.Monitor cockpit is a **monitoring** and **integration** solution primarily focused on SAP technologies and the associated databases and environments * Its purpose is to monitor the **health** and **performance** of these applications to ensure the highest quality of service and facilitate operations and maintenance. * We named it **Cockpit** because it will provide visibility and control over large and complex environments, via various applications such as **Alarm console**, **Overview cockpit** or **Dashboards** * Pro.Monitor cockpit works with **Collectors** which are dedicated to specific technologies, such as SAP. {{..:userguide:application:pasted:20210708-155629.png?800}} ---- ===== Main features ===== * **Applications**: Pro.Monitor cockpit can be seen as an application platform. Each application will help to manage device landscapes * Cockpit overview: Visualize your entire landscape in a single page * Alarm console: Manage all the problems detected on the devices * Inventory: Manage all you device properties and connectivity * Device dashboard: In depth visibility of a particular dashboard. * More applications will appear as we go. * **Monitoring**: * A whole section is dedicated to the definition and control of the monitored environments * This is where you will define the structure of the environment and the connection parameters * You will also define and control how those environments will be monitored * Predefined monitoring profiles are available for each type of system * **Administration** * Manage teams and users: Users can be grouped by teams to facilitate the control over what a user can see and do * Manage authorization profiles allowings to finely control which applications a user can use and which devices he can control. * Business rules: Create rules to define actions based on some incoming events * Plugins: Easily connect Pro.Monitor cockpit with external third parties * Monitoring library: A **preconfigured** set of monitors based on monitoring best practices and designed to be efficient and simple to use. * Collectors: Agents that **remotely** connect to the systems, collect, analyze data and generate monitoring information such as alarms, metrics and reports. {{..userguide:pasted:20210709-111831.png?800}} ---- ===== Monitored technologies ===== Pro.Monitor cockpit is a generic platform that can cope with any kind of devices.\\ The provided SAP collector can monitor the following applications: * **SAP NetWeaver ABAP/Java** * **SAP S/4HANA** * **SAP HANA** * **SAP Business Objects** * **SAP ASE database (Sybase ASE)** * **Oracle database** * **MSSQL database** ===== Architecture ===== * The Pro.Monitor cockpit application relies on the following components: * A **central instance** hosting most key components such as UI, databases and agents control. * **Collectors** responsible for collecting information on the target systems. {{:products:cockpit:1.0:userguide:pasted:20211011-104732.png?1024}} **Central Instance:** * The central instance provides the main application services: * A REST API to consume Agent's data and provide a WEB user interface. * Databases to store configuration, metrics, reports, metadata and all generated information. * A central control bus to manage remote agents. * The central instance can be hosted on premise or via SAAS. **Collectors:** * Collectors are agents that will locally collect and analyse information from the devices * Then consolidated information is sent back to the central instance * Collectors are a very efficient way of monitoring systems within isolated environments without exposing them.