====== Organizations ====== Defines all the organizations for which the systems are going to be monitored. At least one organization must exist ===== Purpose ===== * Organize systems from different end customers * Create authorizations allowing to control visibility and operations on the associated groups and systems * Aggregate information and data in monitoring applications such as dashboards and alarm console. ===== Definition ===== * An organization is defined by the below parameters: ^ Parameter ^ Description ^ | Name | The display name of the organization | | Short name | A short name used as a key to identify the organization. **Cannot be changed once created** | | Description | An optional description | ===== Organization table ===== * From the organization table you will find links to quickly navigates to the underlying groups, systems and connectors * You will also have the possibility to create, edit or delete organizations. ===== Configuration import ===== * You can bulk import organizations, groups, systems, connectors and users * This mainly allows to either migrate a configuration from an existing Pro.Monitor collector, or create a configuration based on a directory. * Just select the appropriate method below ==== From collector ==== * You can import configurations exported from an existing Pro.Monitor collector, generated via the "export to V7" button * This allows to create in the cockpit an exact replica of the configuration existing in a Pro.Monitor collector, including profiles. * This will replace any existing configuration * Company names, group short names and system shortnames must be set correctly in the collector before doing the export ==== CSV import ==== * You can import a configuration from a CSV file, following the appropriate format * This is intended to create all systems and connectors in bulk which are defined in a document such as an excel file, or exported from an SLD. * [[.:organizations:CSVFormat|CSV format]]