====== ServiceNow Cockpit Plugin ====== ===== Purpose ===== * The ServiceNow Cockpit plugin allows the connection of Pro.Monitor to the dedicated SAP cockpit application for ServiceNow. * Use the ServiceNow app-store to find and deploy the SAP cockpit on your ServiceNow instance. * Once done, configure this plugin to match the hostname and user credentials of your instance. * The SAP system's metadata, alarms and metrics will automatically be sent to the ServiceNow cockpit. * You will be able to visualize the availability and health of your SAP landscape within ServiceNow. ---- ===== Create/Edit ===== * Press **Create** or select **Edit** in the table action menu to open the ServiceNow Cockpit plugin editor * Set ServiceNow Cockpit plugin parameters: * Active * Host * Port * User * Password * Web service for alarms * Web service for metrics * Use proxy * Proxy name * Proxy domain * Proxy port * Proxy user * Proxy password {{..:settings:pasted:20210618-164024.png}}