===== Alarms and Metrics ===== ==== Purpose ==== * Define a general configuration for Alarms and Metrics ==== Configuration ==== Two alerts system availability alerts : * **Connection problem :** Alert generated as soon as a connector check fails * **System not responding :** Alert generated after several connector check retries ==== Change the configuration system availability alerts ==== Define the severity and the Subsystem Id of system availability Alarm. * From the top right of the screen, click on the setting icon * Select the admin configuration sub-menu * Click on tabs Alarms/Metrics * Define the severity ==== Configuration ==== Two alerts system availability alerts : * **Connection problem :** Alert generated as soon as a connector check fails * **System not responding :** Alert generated after several connector check retries ==== Change the configuration system availability alerts ==== Define the severity and the Subsystem Id of system availability Alarm. * From the top right of the screen, click on the setting icon * Select the admin configuration sub-menu * Click on tabs Alarms/Metrics * Define the severity {{:products:promonitor:6.5:userguide:pasted:20180316-123457.png}} ===== Internal alerts ===== ==== Purpose ==== * Internal alert allow the possibility to send alert when Pro.Monitor : * fails to execute a given monitor job * detects a license error * detects a memory issue (low memory) ==== Change the configuration internal alert ==== Define the severity of internal alert : * From the top right of the screen, click on the setting icon * Select the admin configuration sub-menu * Click on tabs Alarms/Metrics * Define the severity tend ==== Configuration ==== * **Monitor job execution error :** Send an alert if an error occurred when running monitor * **CCMS error :** Send an alert if an error occurred when running CCMS * **License error :** Send an alert if a license is expired or not valide * **Probe low memory :** Send an alert if Pro.Monitor is low memory {{:products:promonitor:6.5:userguide:pasted:20180316-133417.png}} ===== Mail gateway ===== ==== Purpose ==== Pro.Monitor needs to be configured to enable its send report by email feature. ==== Configuration ==== * **Server :** Domain name of IP of SMTP server * **Port : port SMTP server * **From :** Mail sender * **User name :** User SMTP * **Password :** Password SMTP {{:products:promonitor:6.5:userguide:pasted:20180316-134529.png}} ===== LDAP ===== ==== Purpose ==== * Pro.Monitor can use a LDAP for handle the users Pro.Monitor. * The first time connection to Pro.Monitor with LDAP send a request authorization. * The admin must accept the request for allow the access (a notification will be visible) ==== Configuration ==== * **URL :** URL LDAP server * **Example :** ldap://nameServer.domainName/dc=DC1,dc=DC2 * **Base :** Group LDAP * **Example :** OU=Users,OU=AGL * **Filter :** * **Example :** sAMAccountName={0} * **Manage DN :** User LDAP connection * **Manager password :** Password LDAP connection ==== Change the configuration system availability alerts ==== Define the severity and the Subsystem Id of system availability Alarm. * From the top right of the screen, click on the setting icon * Select the admin configuration sub-menu * Click on tabs Alarms/Metrics * Define the severity {{:products:promonitor:6.5:userguide:pasted:20180316-135852.png}}