===== 6. Install drivers ===== ==== SAP JCO driver for NetWeaver and S/4HANA ==== * The JCO driver is mandatory if you want to monitor ABAP stack systems * You can download it here: https://service.sap.com/connectors * **Caution:** You must use the driver for JAVA 64 bits * The driver is in a ZIP archive, do not extract it, it will be imported as it is. * [[..:userguide:administration:uploadsapjco3jarandhanadriver|See here for more details]] ==== SAP HANA driver ==== * The HANA driver is mandatory if you want to monitor HANA databases * The driver is a file named ngdbc.jar that you can find in the SAP HANA client installation. * The installation process is exactly the same than for JCO driver, except that you need to use “Upload HANA driver” button to install the driver * [[..:userguide:administration:uploadsapjco3jarandhanadriver|See here for more details]] {{adminupload.png}}