===== 2. Install JAVA ===== ==== Windows ===== * Download the latest JAVA JRE V1.8 64 bits installer from https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp * **You MUST use windows offline 64 bits** * Run the installer once downloaded * Set JRE_HOME environment variable to the JAVA installation folder * Open a shell and execute java –version you should see a similar screen, mentioning 64-Bit Server VM {{installJava1.png?600}} ==== Linux ===== * Download the latest JAVA JRE V1.8 64 bits installer from https://java.com/en/download/help/linux_x64_install.xml * **You MUST use the 64 bits version** * Refer to the online documentation specific to your Linux distribution **Warning:** Avoid installing version 151 and 161 of Java 8, it has known issues preventing to use compression between server and browsers