==== ABAP instance memory ==== === Purpose === This monitor will check the following memory metrics: The monitor will send an alarm if any of the memory usage exceeds the thresholds. === Configuration hints === Use the surveillance table to adjust the monitoring settings: Instance, thresholds, severity, etc... Thresholds are independent and can be set to 0 if not used. === Surveillance table === ^Parameter^Description^ ^Active|Use this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.| ^Instance|A filter to match only a subset of instances.| ^Max extended memory (%/MB)|The threshold for the extended memory usage. Use absolute value (Megabytes) or percentage of total available (specify % unit).| ^Max Heap usage (%/MB)|The threshold for heap memory usage. Use absolute value (Megabytes) or *percentage of the total extended memory* (specify % unit)| ^Peak heap usage (%/MB)|The threshold for the maximum heap usage since instance startup. Use absolute value (Megabytes) or *percentage of the total extended memory* (specify % unit)| ^Max paging (%)|The threshold for the max paging memory in percent.| ^Max rolling (%)|The threshold for the max rolling memory in percent.| ^Severity|The level of severity of the alarm generated by this line of surveillance.| ^Auto clear|If checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.| ^Alarm tag|This field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: "my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix". By default, tag will be used as prefix.| ^Alarm|If checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.| ^Metric|If checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.| ^Report|If checked, this line of surveillance will used for showing threshold and severity in the daily report| === Examples === ^Actif^Instance^Max mem étendue (%/MB)^Heap usage (%/MB)^Peak heap usage (%/MB)^Max paging (%)^Max rolling (%)^Sévérité^Auto clear^Tag alarme ^Alarme^Métrique^Rapport^ |true|*|80%|10%|0|0|0|MAJOR|true| |true|false|false| **Effect** : Send an alarm if any instance uses 80% of its extended memory, or if its heap mem. usage is greater than 10% than total *extended*. === Examples === ^Actif^Instance^Max mem étendue (%/MB)^Heap usage (%/MB)^Peak heap usage (%/MB)^Max paging (%)^Max rolling (%)^Sévérité^Auto clear^Tag alarme ^Alarme^Métrique^Rapport^ |true|mysap_PRD_00|0|0|0|15|15|WARNING|true| |true|false|false| **Effect** : Send a WARNING alarm if instance mysap_PRD_00 has more than 15% memory paging or rolling === Generated metrics === ^metricId^metricUnit^metricTarget^metricDescription^ |HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE_RATIO|Percent|INSTANCE| | |HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE|Megabytes|INSTANCE|| |HEAP_MEMORY_PEAK_USAGE_RATIO|Percent|INSTANCE|| |HEAP_MEMORY_PEAK_USAGE|Megabytes|INSTANCE|| |EXTENDED_MEMORY_USAGE_RATIO|Percent|INSTANCE|| |EXTENDED_MEMORY_USAGE|Megabytes|INSTANCE|| |EXTENDED_MEMORY_TOTAL|Megabytes|INSTANCE|| |PAGING_MEMORY_USED|Percent|INSTANCE|| |ROLLING_MEMORY_USED|Percent|INSTANCE||