==== Queued RFC ==== === Purpose === This monitor is dedicated to the monitoring of QRFC queues. It will watch for: - Queue error status - The number of current entries - The number of entries older than a specified age === Configuration hints === The surveillance can be customized to match a specific queue, client, destination or direction. Use the table to configure the monitoring settings: Thresholds, severity, direction, client, etc... Unused thresholds can be set to 0. Thresholds are independent from each others === Surveillance table === ^Parameter^Description^ ^Active|Use this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.| ^Period|To limit the period of time in the past (minutes) to look for QRFC entries. Set 0 for no limit of time.| ^Client|A filter to match only a subset of clients.| ^Queue|A filter to match only a given queue or subset of queues.| ^Destination|A filter to match a given destination.| ^Direction|Defines if the rule is to be applied for INBOUND or OUTBOUND queues.| ^Error Sev.|The severity of the alarm in case of queue error status.| ^Max entries|A threshold to define the maximum number of entries per queue.| ^Max Sev.|The severity of the alarm sent in case of too many entries.| ^Oldest entry age(min)|The threshold for the age of the oldest entry in a queue, in minutes.| ^Queue status|Defines the status of the queue for which the "old entry check" will be performed. If NOSEND is set, it will only watch for old entries of queues having NOSEND status.| ^Wait Sev.|Defines the severity of the alarm sent for old entries.| ^Aggregates|If checked, for each breached threshold, only one alarm will be sent, indicating how many queues are over the limit. If not checked, one alarm per queue will be sent.| ^Auto clear|If checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.| ^Alarm tag|This field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: "my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix". By default, tag will be used as prefix.| ^Alarm|If checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.| ^Metric|If checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.| ^Report|If checked, this line of surveillance will used for showing threshold and severity in the daily report| === Examples === ^Active^Client^Queue^Destination^Direction^Period^Error Sev.^Max entries^Max Sev.^Oldest entry age(min)^Queue status^Wait Sev.^Aggregates^Auto clear^Alarm tag^Alarm^Metric^Report^ |true|*|*|*|OUTBOUND|60|CRITICAL|10|WARNING|30|NOSEND|WARNING|true|true| |true|false|false| **Effect** : Watch for any OUTBOUND queue entries occurred in the alst 60 minutes. Send CRITICAL alarms if a queue with error state is detected. Send a WARNING alarm if 10 or more entries are found. Send a WARNING alarm if queues with NOSEND status contain entries older than 30 minutes. === Examples === ^Active^Client^Queue^Destination^Direction^Period^Error Sev.^Max entries^Max Sev.^Oldest entry age(min)^Queue status^Wait Sev.^Aggregates^Auto clear^Alarm tag^Alarm^Metric^Report^ |true|*|R3AD_MATERIAT12344|DTZ800|OUTBOUND|60|CRITICAL|100|MAJOR|0|NOSEND|WARNING|true|true| |true|false|false| **Effect** : Watch for R3AD_MATERIAT12344 queue entries of destination DTZ800, with no limit of time. Send a CRITICAL alarm as soon as the queue has an error status and a MAJOR alarm if it contains 100 entries or more. === Generated metrics === ^metricId^metricUnit^metricTarget^metricDescription^ |QRFC_IN_STATUS|Status|[CLIENT][QUEUE][DESTINATION]|Send status ok if the number of requests in error in the INBOUND queue is below threshold. Send failed status otherwise.| |QRFC_OUT_STATUS|Status|[CLIENT][QUEUE][DESTINATION]|Send status ok if the number of requests in error in the OUTBOUND queue is below threshold. Send failed status otherwise.| |QRFC_IN_ENTRIES|Entries|[CLIENT][QUEUE][DESTINATION]|Send the number of QRFC entries in the INBOUND queue| |QRFC_IN_ERRORS|Entries|[CLIENT][QUEUE][DESTINATION]|Send the number of QRFC entries in error in the INBOUND queue| |QRFC_OUT_ENTRIES|Entries|[CLIENT][QUEUE][DESTINATION]|Send the number of QRFC entries in the OUTBOUND queue| |QRFC_OUT_ERRORS|Entries|[CLIENT][QUEUE][DESTINATION]|Send the number of QRFC entries in error in the OUTBOUND queue|