==== SAP Jobs monitoring ==== === Purpose === This monitor is dedicated to surveillance of SAP background jobs. It will watch for job error status, duration, delay and job occurrence. You can set general rule to watch any job and be notified as soon as any fails. You can also configure specific rule for a given job to monitor its real schedule or duration. === Configuration hints === Use the surveillance table to adjust the monitoring settings: - Use "Load SAP jobs" button to discover jobs available in the system. - Select a line and click "Wizard" to open the monitoring configurator. - You can set specific threshold and severity for job status, duration, delay and schedule metrics. - You can also define the execution calendar of the job in order to stop its monitoring when it is not running . Note: Job occurrence monitoring can only be configured via the wizard. You will have to define the expected schedule window, by defining its recurrence and duration. === Atomic fields === ^Exclusion List|The exclusion list can be used when you activated to SAP jobs collection in the daily report monitor job. You can specify a list of jobs that you want to ignore, so they do not appear in the report. Note: This has no effect on the real time surveillance!| === Surveillance table === ^Parameter^Description^ ^Active|Use this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.| ^Job name|A filter to define the job that you want to monitor. Use * for all.| ^Client|A filter to match only a subset of clients.| ^Schedule info|Defines the schedule defined for the job. This field can only be modified via the wizard.| ^Max aborts|The threshold for the maximum number of aborted jobs within a period.| ^Abort sev.|Defines the severity of the alarm to send if a job get aborted.| ^Aggregate|If checked, an alarm will be sent if the total number of aborted jobs is over the threshold. If not check, then one alarm will be sent per job having a number of abort status equal or greater than the threshold.| ^Max duration|The threshold for the maximum job duration| ^Duration severity|The severity for the duration alarm.| ^Max start delay|The threshold for the maximum execution delay.| ^Delay severity|The severity for the delay alarm.| ^Occurrence severity|The severity used for schedule alarm.| ^Calendar|The execution calendar of the job. The check of the job won't be performed on calendar's closed days.| ^Alarm tag|This field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: "my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix". By default, tag will be used as prefix.| ^Alarm|If checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.| ^Metric|If checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.| === Examples === ^Active^Job name^Client^Schedule info^Max aborts^Abort sev.^Aggregate^Max duration^Duration severity^Max start delay^Delay severity^Occurrence severity^Calendar^Alarm tag^Alarm^Metric^ |true|*|*|From last 15 min|1|CRITICAL|false|0|DISABLED|0|DISABLED|DISABLED|None| |true|false| **Effect** : A CRITICAL alarm will be sent for each aborted job occurred in the last 15 minutes === Examples === ^Active^Job name^Client^Schedule info^Max aborts^Abort sev.^Aggregate^Max duration^Duration severity^Max start delay^Delay severity^Occurrence severity^Calendar^Alarm tag^Alarm^Metric^ |true|MY_JOB|*|Every 1 HOURS Starting 2015/01/01 10:00|1|CRITICAL|false|15|WARNING|0|DISABLED|MAJOR|None| |true|false| **Effect** : Sends a CRITICAL alarm if job MY_JOB is aborted. Sends a WARNING alarm if the job runs for more than 15 minutes. Sends a MAJOR alarm if the job is not scheduled every hour (one alarm per missed slot). === Generated metrics === ^metricId^metricUnit^metricTarget^metricDescription^ |JOBS_DURATION|Seconds|[JOB] (CLIENT)|The duration of the job in seconds| |JOBS_STATUS|Status|[JOB] (CLIENT)|The status of the job exexution. TRUE if success, FALSE instead| |ABORTED_JOBS|Aborted jobs|[JOB] (CLIENT)|The number of aborted jobs matching the filter.|