==== Transactional RFC ==== === Purpose === This monitor is dedicated to the monitoring of TRFC. It will watch for: - The number of TRFC with a given error status - The TRFC entries older than a given age. You can customize the monitoring for a specific direction, destination, function/program or user. === Configuration hints === Use the surveillance table to adjust the monitoring settings: Thresholds, severity, filters, etc... Unused threshold has to be set to 0. === Surveillance table === ^Parameter^Description^ ^Active|Use this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.| ^Period|To limit the period of time in the past (minutes) to look for TRFC entries. Set 0 for checking since the last execution of this monitor.| ^Direction|The direction of the TRFC entries to check.| ^Destination|The destination of the transaction| ^Function/Prog|A filter to match only a given function or program| ^User|A filter to match only a given user or subset of users.| ^status|Defines the status of the TRFC entries to check. If set to SYSFAIL, it will only look for entries with SYSFAIL status.| ^Max entries|Defines the maximum number of entries matching the filters and status.| ^Max Sev.|Defines the severity of the alarm sent if maximum number of entries is reached.| ^Max entry age (hours)|Defines the maximum age of a TRFC entry matching the filters. Specified in hours.| ^Age Sev.|The severity of the too old entries alarm.| ^Auto clear|If checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.| ^Alarm tag|This field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: "my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix". By default, tag will be used as prefix.| ^Alarm|If checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.| ^Metric|If checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.| ^Report|If checked, this line of surveillance will used for showing threshold and severity in the daily report| === Examples === ^Active^Period^Direction^Destination^Function/Prog^User^status^Max entries^Max Sev.^Max entry age (hours)^Age Sev.^Auto clear^Alarm tag^Alarm^Metric^Report^ |true|15|OUTBOUND|*|*|*|SYSFAIL|10|MAJOR|WARNING|true| |true|false|false|false| **Effect** : Sends a MAJOR alarm if there are 10 or more OUTBOUND TRFC entries with SYSFAIL status in the last 15 minutes === Examples === ^Active^Period^Direction^Destination^Function/Prog^User^status^Max entries^Max Sev.^Max entry age (hours)^Age Sev.^Auto clear^Alarm tag^Alarm^Metric^Report^ |true|15|INBOUND|*|*|*|IN_PROCESS|1|MAJOR|WARNING|true| |true|false|false|false| **Effect** : Sends a WARNING alarm if any INBOUND TRFC entry not beeing in error state is older than one hour in the last 15 minutes === Generated metrics === ^metricId^metricUnit^metricTarget^metricDescription^ |TRFC_IN_ENTRIES|Entries|[STATUS][INSTANCE][FUNC][USER]|The number of INBOUND TRFC entries matching the filter| |TRFC_OUT_ENTRIES|Entries|[STATUS][INSTANCE][FUNC][USER]|The number of OUTBOUND TRFC entries matching the filter|