===== Agents ===== * Access to the function : Administrator settings --> Agents ==== About Agent life cycle ==== * When an agent registers for the first time in Pro.Monitor, it has a **PENDING** state. It will not execute any task. * An administrator will then **ACCEPT** the agent via the dedicated button * Few seconds later, the agent will appear in the list of accepted agents * When an agent is **ON** with a status **WORKING**, it is ready to execute monitoring tasks. * Monitoring workload will be evenly distributed across agents, according to their associations (see agents groups). * You can temporarily **deactivate** an agent by selecting it and using ACTION menu to press **Deactivate**. No more tasks will be executed. * You can **delete** an accepted agent. It will go back in the list of pending agents, until switched off. * If an accepted agent stops to poll the primary server, it will be detected after few minutes. Its state will switch to **OFFLINE** and its current workload will be rescheduled on other available agents. \\ **NOTE:** When several agents share the same workload, it is recommended to use similar specs for their servers.\\ **NOTE:** In standalone mode, it is not necessary to assign groups to the local agent. But if you do so be aware that unassigned groups won't be monitored.\\ **WARNING:** If a group is not assigned to any agent, all its systems won't be monitored and a warning popup will be displayed \\ \\ ==== Agents table ==== * Represents the complete list of accepted remote agents available to process workload {{:products:promonitor:6.7:userguide:administration:pasted:20190227-134111.png}} ** Columns :** * **Selector** : Check/uncheck a given agent, then **use the Action button to Activate/Deactivate the agent** * **State** : ON/OFF (Activated/Deactivated) * **Agent name** : The name that the agent has chosen as identifier * **Status** : will be **ONLINE** if the agent Pro.Monitor instance is running, **OFFLINE** if the instance is stopped * **Groups** : Number of Groups currently monitored by the agent * **Version** : Pro.Monitor version installed on the agent instance * **Successful execution** : Successful workload rate executed by the agent * **Processing ratio** : * **Forwarded errors** : Errors sent from the agent to primary server in the last 4 hours * **Heap** : * **RAM** : Agent RAM consumption rate / RAM allocated * **Disk** : Agent hard disk memory used / hard disk size * **Drivers** : JCO and HANA : Informs the Administrator if necessary drivers for monitoring are installed on agent machine \\ ==== Pending Agents table ==== * Represents the list of pending remote agents waiting to be accepted. * **Click on Accept button** to validate the agent, it will then be displayed on the Agents table (see above) {{:products:promonitor:6.7:userguide:administration:pasted:20190227-155942.png}} \\ ==== Association per Group ==== * Associations tab --> Per group tab * A table displays one company per row * Agent names monitoring the company data are displayed * **To assign/unassign the monitoring of a given company from agents click on Assign button** * a modal window will then display * all agent names currently monitoring the company (left) * all available agent names to which assign the company (right) {{:products:promonitor:6.7:userguide:administration:pasted:20190227-160416.png?650}} \\ ==== Association per Agent ==== * Associations tab --> Per agent tab * A table displays one agent per row * All company names monitored by that particular agent are displayed * **To assign/unassign the monitoring of a given company from agents click on Assign button** * a modal window will then display * all company names currently monitored by the agent (left) * all available company names that can be assigned to the agent (right) {{:products:promonitor:6.7:userguide:administration:pasted:20190227-160528.png?650}}