===== Multi-instance ===== ==== Purpose ==== * Pro.Monitor instances can work together to distribute monitoring workload. The instance with primary role will manage the configuration and distribute tasks to the ones with agent role. A primary server can also act as an agent. A standalone Pro.Monitor instance will therefore be a primary server and an agent. ==== Configuration ==== * Define one Pro.Monitor like a configuration server * Define one and more Pro.Monitor agent A server Pro.Monitor handle the monitoring configuration. An agent is only a worker. He does the work give by the server. It’s possible to create associations agent / company to force the system to be monitored by a given agent. ==== Add a new agent ==== The agent registers automatically to the server when it operates as an agent. How to set an Pro.Monitor instance as agent * From the top right of the screen, click on the setting icon * Select the admin configuration sub-menu * Click on tab Multi-instance * Uncheck Primary server role and check Agent * After 30 seconds, the agent will be visible in list agent in Pro.Monitor server instance. The instance will then switch to agent mode only, therefore not handling a monitoring configuration anymore. When the agent receives a work, it asks the monitoring configuration to the server. {{.:..:adminconfmultiins1.png}}