===== Install Pro.Monitor for Windows ===== * Installation package of Pro.Monitor is an executable file that you can download from our repository * The different install options are described below ==== Install with WIZARD ==== * Execute the Pro.Monitor installer without any option to start the wizard, then follow the instructions: * **Port number:** Defines the port from which the application web portal will be accessible. Make sure it is not used by another application. * **Super admin credentials:** Defines admin credentials that will always be available for connecting to the application * **Distant DB server:** By default, Pro.Monitor will use its own internal database which will be sufficient in any cases. However, it is possible to use an external database. * **DB settings:** If you activated distant DB server, you will have to set the DB connection settings (only MSSQL and MYSQL available) * Once all parameters are set, you will reach a screen to start the installation. Press **Install** * When the installation is over, a confirmation screen will be displayed * Pro.Monitor will be installed as a service * Few seconds later, the application will be running and reachable at **http://localhost:8888** (by default) ==== SILENT installer ==== * Execute the Pro.Monitor installer with **/SILENT** option to install Pro.Monitor directly with the default settings. An application popup will still be displayed for showing installation progresses and results. * Execute the Pro.Monitor installer with **/VERYSILENT** option to install Pro.Monitor without any interaction at all. * Few seconds later, the application will be running and reachable at http://localhost:8888 (by default) ==== Default settings ==== * Application portal port: 8888 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS * Installation directory path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Agentil * Admin credentials: admin/admin * Local DB * Runs as windows service named: Pro_Monitor ===== Install Pro.Monitor for Linux ===== ==== Installation prerequisites ==== First of all, please check java version. It should be >= 1.8.0_171 \\ \\ ''[aglgesrvampd04 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep jre\\ jre1.8-1.8.0_151-fcs.x86_64\\ [aglgesrvampd04 ~]$'' If needed, update or install jre, using : * For an installation ''sudo rpm -ivh jre-8u171-linux-x64.rpm'' * For an upgrade ''sudo rpm -Uvh jre-8u171-linux-x64.rpm'' ==== Install Pro.Monitor ==== === Create User and Group === Run the following command:\\ ''sudo groupadd promonitor\\ sudo useradd promonitor\\ sudo passwd promonitor [type passwd]'' Download Promonitor tar file and extract into /opt/, change permission and prepare for execution Please run the following commands in order : **PLEASE CHANGE version WITH VERSION NUMBER, EXAMPLE : sudo tar -xzvf Pro.Monitor-6.6.0_1523.tar.gz** ''cd /opt/\\ sudo tar -xzvf Pro.Monitor-[version].tar.gz\\ sudo ln -snf Pro.Monitor-[version] Pro.Monitor\\ sudo chown -R promonitor:promonitor Pro.Monitor*\\ '' Then, we need to configure systemd for ProMonitor (SystemD is the System and Service Manager)\\ ''sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/promonitor.service'' Enter the following information in the new file\\ '' [Unit]\\ Description=Promonitor SAP Monitoring System\\ After=syslog.target network.target\\ \\ [Service]\\ Type=forking\\ WorkingDirectory=/opt/Pro.Monitor/\\ ExecStart=/opt/Pro.Monitor/bin/startup.sh\\ #ExecStop=/opt/Pro.Monitor/bin/shutdown.sh\\ ExecStop=/bin/kill -15 $MAINPID\\ \\ User=promonitor\\ Group=promonitor\\ UMask=0007\\ RestartSec=10\ Restart=always\\ \\ [Install]\\ WantedBy=multi-user.target\\ '' Then, activate the service and start Promonitor:\\ '' sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/promonitor.service\\ sudo chmod 760 /etc/systemd/system/promonitor.service\\ sudo systemctl daemon-reload\\ sudo systemctl enable promonitor\\ sudo systemctl status promonitor\\ sudo systemctl start promonitor\\ '' ==== Distant DB settings ==== * To configure Pro.Monitor to use a distant DB, you will have to change the settings in conf/server.xml * Look for “Resource” tag and modify it as such: * **MYSQL:** * **MSSQL:** * Finally, edit //webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/applicationContext.xml// and look for property ****. Change it accordingly: * **MYSQL:** org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect * **MSSQL:** org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2008Dialect ===== Upgrade Pro.Monitor ===== * Perform a configuration snapshot (recommended) * Stop Pro.Monitor service * Wait 5 minutes that all monitoring processes are over * Follow the same steps than for the first installation, the installer will detect that you are doing an upgrade. * The service will restart automatically ===== Pro.Monitor life cycle ===== * To start, stop or restart Pro.Monitor, it is recommended to use its service controls directly. * A restart can also be triggered from the Administration->System menu