===== Systems and connectors ===== * Several types of systems can be monitored by Pro.Monitor. * For each type of system will correspond types of connectors * For NetWeaver, S/4HANA and HANA systems, connectors can be created automatically via the SLD, but also manually. * Following section will describe available connectors for each type of system ==== SAP NetWeaver and S/4HANA ==== * [[products:promonitor:6.5:userguide:systemsconnectors:abap|ABAP connector]]: Connects to the ABAP stack via the message server, using RFC protocol, with a communication user. * [[products:promonitor:6.5:userguide:systemsconnectors:sapcontrol|SAPControl connector]]: Connects to the SAP management console via a SOAP web service, with an OS user. * [[products:promonitor:6.5:userguide:systemsconnectors:webclient|Web client connector]]: Connects to the web portal ==== SAP HANA database ==== * [[products:promonitor:6.5:userguide:systemsconnectors:hana|HANA SQL connector]]: Connects to the database with an SQL connection, using an DB user. ==== SAP BusinessObjects === * [[products:promonitor:6.5:userguide:systemsconnectors:businessobjects|CMS/CMC portal connector]]: Connect to the CMS and CMC portal with a dedicated user