===== Create users ===== ==== ABAP system ==== * In order to monitor an ABAP system, a dedicated user must be created in SAP and registered in Redpeaks * All the accesses performed in the system will be made on the behalf of this user * This user must have appropriate authorizations to grant access to the components that needs to be monitored * Via the PFCG transaction, you can import this profile in SAP * You can download a predefined authorization profile from ''Admin menu->Admin configuration->Upload/Download->Download SAP user profile'' * Create the user in SAP via **SU01** transaction and associate it with the uploaded profile: * **It must be a communication user** * Following default settings must be used : {{defaultsettingsuser.png?600}} * **Important Note**: For “Cross clients” monitors, it is advised to use a connector to client 000 only. * However, you might want to connect to **production** clients to cover non “Cross clients” monitors. * Once the SAP user is created, you can register it in Redpeaks. From the left side screen, open the menu of **SYSTEMS** tab, click on **SAP USERS**, then **ADD** ==== JAVA system ==== * In order to monitor a JAVA stack system, Redpeaks uses SAPControl web services. * If the mandatory services are protected, Redpeaks will need a dedicated **OS user** with admin privileges (like [SID]adm) * See **[[.:..:userguide:configuration:systemsconnectors:sapcontrol|SapControl connector setup]]** for more information ==== HANA system ==== * In order to monitor a HANA database, we need an SQL user associated with **MONITORING** authorization ==== SAP ASE (Sybase) databases ==== * Sybase connector uses JDBC to connect to the database and executes SQL queries to inquire the DB * SQL user associated to the database connector needs all necessary rigths granted to proper monitor the system * Visit **[[.:..:userguide:configuration:systemsconnectors:sybase|SAP ASE connector]]** for detailed information