===== Authorizations & Permissions ===== ==== Purpose ==== To control what a Redpeaks end user can see and modify among all defined SAP systems and their associated monitoring configuration. This is controlled by the definition of **Permission and Authorization Profiles** ==== Concept ==== * **Permission Profile** will determine what can be changed (create, update, delete) in systems, connectors, monitors, SAP users and monitoring configuration. * **Authorization profiles** are used to associate permission profiles with SAP systems. * The association between permission profiles and SAP systems can be done by: * **Groups** (company): All systems belonging to the group will be associated to a permission profile. * **Tags**: All systems flagged with the same tag. * **Group and Tag**: All systems within a given group AND flagged by the same tag. * **User profiles**: are used to associate a single user to one or several authorization profiles. This will define what the user will see and what he can modify. * A user will only see the systems being associated to permissions profiles associated to his authorization profiles. ==== Redpeaks prior to version 6.7 ==== Be aware that users authorization management elements, workflow and settings prior to Redpeaks 6.7 will be completely obsolete. All assignments User - User Group and user Groups settings will be lost and not taken into account. Please adapt all settings made in Redpeaks older versions to the new Authorization policy. ===== 1 - Permission Profile ===== * From the Users and Authorization menu, you can manage permission profiles * A Permission Profile defines the kind of actions (create, update, delete, assign, etc) that will be granted or denied on following entities: * Systems * Connectors * Monitors * SAP Users * You can define several profiles according to your needs: {{..:..:userguide:administration:pasted:20190221-190215.png}} === Creating a Permission Profile : === {{:products:promonitor:6.7:userguide:administration:pasted:20190614-153748.png}} * Enter a unique profile name * Define permissions for each entity: * **Systems/Connectors**: Actions on systems and connector profiles * **SAP users**: Actions on SAP users profiles * **Profiles**: Define if the profile allows to assign monitoring profiles to connectors * **Monitors**: Set permissions allowing to edit a monitoring configuration (monitors) associated to a connector * **Reports**: Allow or deny permission to View (then Download), Delete and manually send by email Redpeaks Reports * **To allow read only access**, simply create a profile without any checkbox active. ===== 2 - Authorization Profile ===== * An Authorization Profile establishes on which the Redpeaks elements a given number of different Permission Profiles will apply. * It gives the possibility to Administrators to grant or deny users to access to this Redpeaks features : * Create, Update and Delete Profiles : These settings will allow users to perform actions on Profiles **not yet assigned to systems connectors** * View Change tracking : Allows or denies users to access to the "Change tracking" history feature. * **Notice that settings listed above will be effective** * About visibility : **Notice that the simple fact of assigning ANY Permission Profile to a given Group (Company) within an Authorization Profile will make this Group visible (displayed) in Redpeaks console of the users affected by the Authorization Profile ** * To access Authorization Profile management : Administrator Settings -> Users and Authorizations -> Authorization profiles {{:products:promonitor:6.7:userguide:administration:pasted:20190305-141046.png}} \\ ==== Creating an Authorization Profile : ==== {{.:..:..:userguide:administration:pasted:20190305-141658.png}} * **Enter a unique profile name** (be aware that Redpeaks will check that the name is unique when saving the profile). * **Check the global actions that are going to be granted on monitoring Profiles (Create, Update, Delete)** * Notice that this will allow or deny a user to change profiles monitors settings **globally** * Only Profiles that have not been assigned yet to a connector will be affected * **Check/uncheck View change tracking** * This action will allow or not a user to see all Redpeaks Changes tracking records \\ ==== Assigning Permission Profiles on Groups (Companies) and/or Tags to an Authorization Profile : ==== * Redpeaks Administrators can assign multiple Permission Profiles to a single Authorization profile. * In the same operation, each Permission Profile can be applied to one or more Groups (Companies) and/or to one or more Tags. * In the example here below, Redpeaks Administrator will create an Authorization profile named "FullAccessOnCompanyAandCompanyBTagDev" and will assign to it the Permission profile named "FullAccess" previuosly created. * This "FullAccess" Permission profile will be granted to all Systems of Company "CompanyA" and only to Systems tagged with Tag "DEV" belonging to "CompanyB" {{.:..:..:userguide:administration:pasted:20190305-142430.png}} * Click on "Assign" * In the same line, three dropdown lists will be displayed : Permission profile, Group (Company) and Tag. A button "Add" is also displayed * In the example above illustrated : * Select Permission profile "fullAccess" * Select Group "CompanyA" * Select NO Tags * Click on "Add" (the corresponding row will be now displayed on the screen) * Select Permission profile "fullAccess" * Select Group "CompanyB" * Select Tag "DEV" * Click on "Add" (the corresponding row will be now displayed on the screen) * Click on Save * **ATTENTION : If you are creating the Authorization profile and at the same time assigning Permission profiles remember to * click on Save to save all assignations * and then to click on Save to save data entered for the creation of the Authorization profile itself** \\ ==== Establishing permission priorities within the same Authorization profile: ==== * Redpeaks gives Administrators the possibility to establish priorities concerning the order on which all permissions will apply to ProMonitor elements (Systems, Connectors, etc) * To modify permission priorities, edit the Authorization Profile and use the arrows of each assignation (see image below) {{.:..:..:userguide:administration:pasted:20190305-144409.png}} \\ ===== 3 - Assigning Authorization Profiles to Redpeaks users : ===== * Administrator have the possibility to assign one or more Authorization Profiles to a ProMonitor user. * To access Redpeaks Users management : Administrator Settings -> Users and Authorizations -> Users * Click on the Edit icon corresponding to the User you want to modify * Select one Authorization Profile * Add, Save {{.:..:..:userguide:administration:pasted:20190305-152817.png}} \\ ===== 4 - Practical examples ===== **Find here below some examples illustrated step by step :** * **[[.:..:..:userguide:administration:authorizations:example1| Granting read-only rights on only one company ]]**\\ * **[[.:..:..:userguide:administration:authorizations:example2| Allowing full access on two companies]]**\\ * **[[.:..:..:userguide:administration:authorizations:example3| Granting read-only rights on two companies and create/update on another company]]**\\ * **[[.:..:..:userguide:administration:authorizations:example4| Different access types depending on companies and system tags]]**\\