====== NetCool plugin ====== This plugin allows to send alarms to the NetCool bus, and to customize parameters of the alarm payload. ===== Configuration ===== * Fill the plugin settings form: * **Active:** Toggle to enable or disable the plugin * **Name:** The name of the plugin * **Username** The username for connecting to Netcool * **Password** The password for connecting to Netcool * **Primary URL:** Web service URL to send all alarms by default * **Failover URL** Backup web service URL, used if the primary URL becomes unavailable * **URL Selected** The active URL in use (defaults to Primary, but can manually switch to Failover if needed) * **Failover Timeout** The time interval before automatically switching between URLs if a failure occurs * **Send Timeout** Timeout duration for alarm send * **Custom properties:** Specify additional custom properties for alarm payloads * You can override default properties of the alarm payload. **Warning:** * If your are using a self signed certificate for the NetCool endpoint, you will have to import it first, see [[..:..:..:userguide:administration:adminconfig:https#downloading_and_installing_a_self_signed_certificate | how to import a certificate]]. {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:configuration:plugins:pasted:20241219-104000.png}} ===== Default payload ===== ^ Field ^ Description ^ | Severity | Alarm severity | | Type | 1 (Problem) | | AlertGroup | Alarm module | | AlertKey | Alarm id | | Node | System | | Summary | Alarm message | ===== Custom Parameters ===== **Notice that you can use the following predefined Redpeaks variables along to customize the payload send by the plugin to NetCool ** ^ Variable ^ Description ^ | **%ID%** | replaces by the Alarm ID | | **%GROUP%** | replaces by the Group (Company) name | | **%SID%** | replaces by the System ID (SID) | | **%CLIENT%** | replaces by the SAP client (ABAP Connector) | | **%INSTANCE% ** | replaces by the Redpeaks instance name | | **%SEVERITY% ** | replaces by the the Alarm severity level | | **%MESSAGE%** | replaces by the message sent by the Alarm | | **%MODULE%** | replaces by the Alarm module | | **%TO_CLEAR%** | replaces by "true" or "false" depending on if the Alarm is to be cleared or not | | **%CLEARABLE%** | replaces by "true" or "false" depending on if the Alarm is a "can-be-cleared" type or not | | **%COMPONENT%** | replaces by the Alarm component (i.e. "disk") | | **%STACK%** | replaces by the alarm stack type | | **%ALARM_TAG%** | replaces by the description of the alarm tag | | **%CLEARED%** | replaces by "CLEARED" if the Alarn has been already cleared or "" (none) if not | | **%COUNT%** | replaces by alarm counter | | **%AGENT%** | replaces by the Agent UUID (Redpeaks internal Agent unique identifier code) | | **%SAMPLE_RATE%** | replaces by the monitor sample rate as per execution schedule | | **%RULE_NAME%** | replaces by the name of the rule matched by the alarm, if any | | **%RULE_DESCRIPTION%** | replaces by the description of the rule matched by the alarm, if any | | **%TIMESTAMP%** | replaces by the formatted timestamp of the Alarm in local timezone | | **%TIMESTAMP_UNIX%** | replaces by the unformatted timestamp of the Alarm in UNIX epoch format (milliseconds since January 1st 1970) | | **%TIMESTAMP_XXX%** | replaces by the formatted timestamp of the Alarm using specified timezone (XXX): Example: %TIMESTAMP_UTC% | ===== Usage ===== * Once configured, all generated alarms will be processed by the plugin and sent to the integration. * Activate alarm rules to control which alarms will be processed by the plugin. * Use the plugin **Details** button from the plugins table to display usage statistics. * Define multiple plugins; they work independently. * The plugin processes alarms only when active. * The Send Timeout is the maximum time allowed for sending an alarm query before it fails. ===== Failover System ====== * If the ''Selected URL'' //(default is Primary)// cannot be reached within this ''Failover Timeout'', the plugin will attempt to connect to the ''Failover URL'' * If the ''Failover URL'' works, alarms will continue to be sent via Failover. * The plugin will remain on Failover until **manually updated** to switch back to Primary. * If the ''Failover URL'' also fails, the plugin will retry connecting to the ''Primary URL'' periodically (Time writed on ''Failover Timeout''). * You can manually swap the ''Primary URL'' to the ''Failover URL'' in the configuration for planned maintenance.