====== Install JAVA ====== ===== For Linux ===== ==== Linux CentOS/RedHat ==== * Use the existing package installer (apt or yum for example) to **install** or **upgrade** latest GA version of JAVA OpenJDK * Example on CentOS: yum install java-latest-openjdk-headless.x86_64 # Installs the latest OpenJDK binaries alternatives --config java # In case of upgrade: Switches the links to point to the new version java -version # Check you run the latest version * Or download the Linux/x64 archive from https://jdk.java.net/ and decompress it in your usual Java install path and update /usr/bin/java link * Refer to the online documentation specific to your Linux distribution ==== Linux Open SUSE Leap 15.2 ==== Run the following commands to install JAVA openjdk 15 zypper up zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Java:/Factory/openSUSE_Leap_15.2/ java zypper mr -p 70 java zypper refresh zypper in java-15-openjdk [To try first in case it is already available] java --version ==== Manual install ==== **Note:** In the below example, jdk install folder is in ''/usr/lib/jvm/'' wget https://download.java.net/java/GA/jdk20.0.1/b4887098932d415489976708ad6d1a4b/9/GPL/openjdk-20.0.1_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz tar zxvf openjdk-20.0.1_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/jvm/ alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-20.0.1/bin/java 99 alternatives --config java -> select new version If a JAVA version is already installed on your system before the installation of openjdk 15, use alternatives command to change the java version used by your system. alternatives --config java # In case of upgrade: Switches the links to point to the new version # logout and login again to have the environment variables defined. ===== For Windows ====== * Stop Pro.Monitor service * You can use the latest JAVA OpenJDK GA version (currently 13) available here: https://jdk.java.net/ * Download the windows/x64 archive from the build section and unzip it in your usual Java install path: C:\Program Files\Java * Add the path to the JAVA **bin** folder within your **SYSTEM Path** variable (Example: C:\Program Files\Java\openJdk_12\bin) * Set **JRE_HOME** environment variable to the JAVA installation folder * Open a shell and execute java –version you should see a similar screen, mentioning 64-Bit Server VM * Start the Pro.Monitor service {{:products:promonitor:6.7:installguide:pasted:20191023-122129.png}} === Migration from JAVA JRE to OpenSDK === * **Stop Pro.Monitor service** * Download the OpenSdk Archive and expand it. * Uninstall former versions of JAVA * Remove folder C:\ProgramData\Oracle (**Hidden folder**) * Set PATH **SYSTEM** environment variable to the folder of **java.exe** (Example: C:\Program Files\Java\openJdk_12\bin) * Set JRE_HOME **SYSTEM** environement variables to the install folder of java (Example: C:\Program Files\Java\openJdk_12) * Execute program //[PROMONITOR_INSTALL_FOLDER]\bin\pro_monitorw.exe// : Open Java tab and check that Java Virtual Machine is set to the correct location. {{.:service_java.png}} **Need to troubleshoot:** [[..:troubleshooting:install]] **Warning:** * Avoid installing version 151 and 161 of Java 8, it has known issues preventing to use compression between server and browsers