===== Application startup issues ===== After the installation or upgrade, you can't reach the UI via your browser. ==== Java not installed ==== * Check java is installed: ''# java --version'' must return java version and show a **64-Bit Server** edition * Make sure the version is compatible with prerequisites ==== Wrong HTTPS scheme === * In your browser address bar, enter a valid url, **including protocol** (i.e. : http://localhost:8888/) * Make sure to use the correct HTTP or HTTPS scheme according to the port number. * Look in ''bin/setenv.sh'' file to see the configured HTTP and HTTPS ports ==== Application ports allready used ==== * Check the application port: Using ''nestat'' or equivalent, check that the configured application port are listening, or not used by another program: * In below example, the result shows that the server is listing on port 8443 for any external connections: **** [root@server]# netstat -tnlaput Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 22978/java tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1022/snmpd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 24552/nginx: master ==== Firewall is blocking external connections ==== * To quickly identify if the firewall is causing probems: * Try connecting on the Pro.Monitor port from a different server: ''# telnet promonitor-server 8443'' the connection must open * If not opening, try disabling the firewall: ''# systemctl stop firewalld'' * Try again to external connection. If it works, then the firewall is blocking and you need to add a rule to allow incoming traffic to Pro.Monitor ==== Pro.Monitor service issues ==== * Check if the Pro.Monitor service is installed and running: ''# systemctl status promonitor'' **Service is not running:** * If the service is stopped, start it with ''# systemctl start promonitor'' * Then look in the ''logs/server.log'' file if the service is starting correctly. * Check that service status stays **Service is running with error status:** When the service is running with errors, it is often because of failed or incomplete upgrade process. You can recover with the following: * Stop the service: ''# systemctl stop promonitor'' * Check that no promonitor processes are still running: ''# ps -eaf | grep -i promoni'' * Kill remaining process if any * Go to ''webapps'' folder and check that ''ROOT.war'' file exists * Remove ''ROOT'' folder (**Do not remove ROOT.war file**) * Restart the service: ''# systemctl start promonitor'' * Check ''logs/server.log'' file **Service is running with error status or having DB errors** In case you can't reach the application and logs are showing DB errors: * First, try to redeploy the application as above * If still failing, you can try to restart with a fresh DB * Stop the service: ''# systemctl stop promonitor'' * Rename ''db'' folder * Restart the service: ''# systemctl start promonitor'' * Test the application and try to log in. * Load the latest ''snapshot'' to set your configuration back in place. * **Note:** The snapshot doesn't contain any application/historical metadata and those will be lost.