====== Monitor statistics ====== ===== Purpose ===== * To access this feature : Go to Adminstrator Settings (gear icon, top-right of the main screen), click on "Monitor statistics" menu option * This functionality allows the user to inspect all monitor batchs jobs and easily get a situation breakdown. * It is an usefull tool to supervise all agents workload ===== Batch view ===== * For every executed batch, which will group a given number of monitor jobs (see next section for details), Pro.Monitor will display a table row. * As shown in the below image, on each row you will find : * Batch start/end time and its total (all monitor jobs included) execution time (duration column) * The Pro.Monitor agent that asked to launch the batch * The number of jobs composing the batch (number of jobs columns) * Those that have been actually executed - not rescheduled - (Executed column) * Jobs that has been killed by the system (Killed column) * Those that have successfully terminated (Succeeded column) * The number of jobs that have been aborted by the system (Aborted column) * Jobs that have encountered errors or warnings during their execution will be displayed in Finished with errors and Finished with warnings columns {{..:monitorstatistics1.png?1200}} ==== Details of monitor statistics screen ==== * Clicking on a Monitor Statitistics main table row (see previous section) will open a screen having relevant information about every single monitor job that compose a given batch job, as shown in the image below * Use left dropdown list to select the number of rows to be displayed on the screen. * Status dropdown list will display only jobs having a particular status * Enter a text in Job name text input field to quick search for a particular job name * Enter a text in Connector name text input field to quick search for jobs related to a specific connector * Table rows contains, among other information : * Elapsed time between the moment that the job has been initially scheduled and the time the job result data has been received (Scheduled / Result received column) * Milliseconds precision time the job has been waiting on execution queue (Queue time) * Time (expressed in milliseconds) needed by Pro.Monitor to gather all necessary data to prepare the job result report (Collection time column) * Number of Alarms and Metrics sent by the job execution (Alarms and Metrics columns). * warnings and Errors encountered during the execution of the job (see next section for details) {{..:monitorstatistics2.png?1200}} ===== Monitor view ===== This view allows to look for a particular monitor and get a breakdown of its executions. Use the filters to narrow down according to: * Agent * Group * System * Connector * Monitor * Monitor status Just click on a monitor's row to display its details **Examples:** * Display all FAILED monitors for a given system * Display all Short Dumps monitor results for a given Group {{..:statistics_monitor_view.png?1200}} ===== Job details screen ===== * Pro.Monior supplies the user with a third drilldown level by clicking on any Details of monitor statistics table row (see previous section) * Detailed information coming from all Alarms and/or Metrics (depending on job) as well as Errors and Warnings the job might have encountered during its execution will be displayed (see image below) {{..:monitorstatistics3.png?1200}}