===== ServiceNow Cockpit ===== ==== Purpose ==== * The ServiceNow Cockpit plugin allows to connect Pro.Monitor to the dedicated SAP cockpit application for ServiceNow * Use the ServiceNow app-store to find and deploy the SAP cockpit on your ServiceNow instance. * Once done, configure this plugin to match hostname and user credentials of your instance * The SAP system's metadata, alarms and metrics will automatically be sent to the ServiceNow cockpit * You will be able to visualize the availability and health of your SAP landscape within ServiceNow ==== Configuration ==== * **Active:** To enable or disable the plugin * **Host:** The host name * **Port:** The listening port of the plugin * **User/Password:** Credentials to access the host * **Web service for alarms:** Webservice used to send alarms * **Web service for metrics:** Webservice used to send metrics * **Use proxy:** : Use proxy to use the plugin * ** Proxy name ** : The name of proxy * ** Proxy domain ** : URL or ip proxy * ** Proxy port ** : Port used by proxy * ** Proxy user ** : User allowed to use proxy * ** Proxy password ** : Password user {{:products:promonitor:6.7:userguide:configuration:plugins:pasted:20190225-152351.png?width=700}}