====== SAP Powerpack for ScienceLogic SL1 ====== This powerpack enables seamless integration of Redpeaks/Pro.Monitor monitoring solution for SAP with SL1 using the REST toolkit. ===== Overview ===== * This powerpack facilitates the discovery and monitoring of SAP environments within SL1. * It utilizes SL1's REST toolkit framework. * It establishes a connection to Redpeaks/Pro.Monitor API, providing access to monitoring data. * Automatic creation and grouping of SAP devices occur seamlessly. * System metadata, metrics, and alerts are automatically associated with their respective devices for streamlined organization. * A set of dynamic applications will provide visibility on generated alerts and metrics and can be used to build custom dashboards and automation ===== Scope ===== The powerpack specifically focuses on system monitoring across these categories: * SAP S/4HANA and NetWeaver (starting from version 4.6) * SAP HANA Database * SAP BusinessObjects You will find in the [[.:powerpack#monitored_environments|Monitored environments]] section below an exhaustive list of the monitored components. ===== Releases ===== * **V1.3.2** (2024-02-15) * **Important:** Use the "Rest snippet framework 101" credentials when aligning with the root level discovery application * Documentation update. * **V1.3** (2024-02-13) * Uses a copy of the REST toolkit V101 as execution environment. * **V1.2** (2024-01-26) * Uses the updated REST toolkit environment. * Important: Make sure to use the "Universal" credentials when aligning with the root level discovery application. * **V1.1** (2023/12) * Remove the use of cache to fix data collection issue * Use JMSEPath instead of JSONPath to improve performance * **V1.0** (2023/11) - First version of this powerpack * Support of S/4HANA, NetWeaver, HANA, BusinessObjects * Reports all alerts * Collects alerts and metrics for ABAP, J2EE, HANA stack sysems. * Collects alerts for BusinessObjects systems. ===== Architecture ===== * A Pro.Monitor collector remotely monitors accessible systems. * An SL1 collector usually connects to one Pro.Monitor collector within the same network security zone. * Due to network and resiliency concerns, a 1-to-1 relationship is typical. * However, it can collect data from multiple Pro.Monitor instances when needed. * By example, for monitoring 2 separate SAP landscapes, it is possible to deploy 1 Pro.Monitor instance for each landscape, both linked to a single SL1 collector. This is the most typical architecture: - Monitored SAP systems - Redpeaks/Pro.Monitor collector: Remotely connecting to the systems via standard API - SL1 collector: Performing REST API calls to collect monitoring data - SL1 instance {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20230202-151434.png?width=800}} ===== Content ===== ==== Devices ==== Defines the types of devices that the powerpack will create and manage. ^Type^Name^Description^Version^ | Device category | SAP.Infrastructure | Root element, containing groups of systems | V1.0 | | Device category | SAP.Group | Group of SAP systems | V1.0 | | Device category | SAP.System | SAP system device | V1.0 | | Device category | SAP.Instance | A component of a SAP system | V1.0 | | Device class | SAP.Infrastructure | Root device for SAP groups | V1.0 | | Device class | SAP.Group | Virtual device representing a group | V1.0 | | Device class | SAP.NetWeaver ABAP | Device for ABAP stack systems | V1.0 | | Device class | SAP.ABAP instance | Device for ABAP application server | V1.0 | | Device class | SAP.Java instance | Device for J2EE application server | V1.0 | | Device class | SAP.HANA system | Device for HANA database | V1.0 | | Device class | SAP.HANA tenant | Device for HANA tenant | V1.0 | | Device class | SAP.BusinessObject | Device for BusinessObjects systems | V1.0 | ==== Dynamic applications ==== Those applications will collect metrics and health information for the discovered devices. ^Name^Description^Version^ | ABAP metrics | Collect metrics from ABAP systems | V1.0 | | ABAP instance metrics | Collect metrics from ABAP instances | V1.0 | | HANA metrics | Collect metrics from HANA tenants | V1.0 | | HANA services | Collect HANA services status | V1.0 | | SAP alerts | Collect alerts from any device | V1.0 | ==== Event policies ==== Those policies define how Redpeaks/Pro.Monitor events are being converted in to SL1 alerts. ^Name^Description^ | CRITICAL | Maps event to SL1 CRITICAL alert | | MAJOR | Maps event to SL1 MAJOR alert | | MINOR | Maps event to SL1 MINOR alert | | WARNING | Maps event to SL1 NOTICE alert | | INFO | Maps event to SL1 NOTICE alert | | CLEAR | Maps event to SL1 HEALTHY (suppresses) | ===== Prerequisites ===== * This powerpack works with SL1 **V11.3.0** or later * It requires the REST toolkit powerpack V101 * It needs Redpeaks/Pro.Monitor collector version **6.8.5** or above. * Ensure the Redpeaks collector is both installed and configured. * Open network routes between the SL1 collector and Redpeaks collector on HTTP/HTTPS ports to allow HTTP REST requests from the SL1 collector to the Redpeaks collector. ===== Installation ===== Those are the main steps to complete for configuring the SAP integration in SL1: - Get **SAP monitoring with REST toolkit** powerpack from SL1 download center or from redpeaks (support@redpeaks.io) - Upload and install the SAP powerpack - Register Pro.Monitor REST API credentials - Create a root virtual device for SAP systems discovery - Assign the discovery dynamic applications to the root device After having completed those few steps, the SAP infrastructure will be discovered and you will be able to see events and metrics within your SL1 instance. ==== Upload and install powerpack ==== * Navigate to the ''Powerpack'' section of SL1 settings * Select ''Action->Import powerpack'' and upload the powerpack file * Once upload is complete, the powerpack installer screen will popup: Press ''Install'' * You should see the new powerpack in the table ==== Register Credentials ==== * Navigate to ''Manage-> credentials'' {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:sciencelogic:pasted:20240415-170535.png}} * Create a **REST snippet framework 101 credential** * Set the Pro.Monitor collector URL and authentication parameters * Use **/api/v1/sl1** as API endpoint {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:sciencelogic:pasted:20240215-173606.png}} **Note:** * If you didn't install you own trusted certificate on Pro.Monitor instance, you **MUST** set SSL peer verify to **False** ==== Create SAP root device ==== * Navigate to ''Device manager'' {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20230202-100953.png}} * Create a virtual device {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20230202-101224.png}} {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20230202-101348.png}} ==== Align discovery applications ==== * Edit the created device and go to collectors tab * Assign dynamic applications: {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20230202-101559.png}} * You need to assign two applications: * **SAP_RP: SAP alerts** * **SAP_RP: SAP groups discovery** * Select the applications within the list. * Once clicked on the application name, this will list the available credentials * Select the credentials that you created and save * {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20230202-140714.png}} * Once done, you should see two applications aligned with the device. * From now on, your SAP architecture will be automatically discovered {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20230202-160454.png}} ===== Monitored environments ===== * This is a description of the discovered devices by environement and associated monitored components ==== S/4HANA - NetWeaver ==== ^Devices^Description^ | SAP system | The SAP logical system composed by application servers | | SAP ABAP instance | An ABAP instance | | SAP J2EE instance | A J2EE instance | === Components === | ABAP instance memory | | ABAP instance response time | | ABAP locks | | ABAP shortdumps | | Batch inputs | | Database backups | | Database size | | DB Exclusive locks | | Dispatcher queues | | ICM status and usage | | IDOC exchange monitoring | | Instances availability | | PI/XI messages ABAP | | Process Chains monitoring | | Queued RFC | | RFC Destinations availability | | SAP buffers | | SAP change settings | | SAPconnect (SCOT/SOST) | | SAP Jobs monitoring | | SAP transaction times | | SAP transports | | SAP users | | Spools | === Components for J2EE === | Java components status | | Java instances status | | Java processes status | | SAP Control metrics tree | ==== HANA DB ==== ^Devices^Description^ | HANA system | The SAP logical system composed by one or several tenants | | HANA tenant | A tenant database | === Components for HANA === | Database CPU utilization | | Database disk usage | | Database memory utilization | | HANA backups | | HANA connections | | HANA nodes status | | HANA replication LOG retention statistics | | HANA replication shipping statistics | | HANA replication status | | HANA tables | | HANA threads | | HANA transactions | | Merge statistics | | Services status | ==== Monitors for BO connectors ==== ^Devices^Description^ | BusinessObjects system | A standalone BusinessObjects system | === Components === | Concurrent users | | Schedules | | Servers status | | Server metrics | ===== Support ===== * For support or feature requests please use our Jira system : https://agentil.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/9 * If you don't have an account yet, contact AGENTIL Software at support@agentil-software.com