Required to enable the CRM feature in the Pro.Monitor Cockpit application
The CRM feature is enabled through a Maven profile named “crm”, that will includes the necessary dependencies, such as the licence-generator jar, to the build.
You need to activate the “crm” profile before the Maven build process.
.mvn clean install -Pcrm
You must set a JVM variable to enable the CRM module in java, cause this module is not enabled by default.
Before launching the application in Tomcat, add the following JVM argument:
This can be done by edit the
(Linux/Mac) or setenv.bat
(Windows) file in the Tomcat bin
directory, adding:
export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dcrm-module=true"
or for Windows:
set CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -Dcrm-module=true