Table of Contents

Alarm console


Alarm definition

Parameter Description
Alarm message A description of the problem
Device The device on which the alarm happened
Severity The alarm severity, defines how important is the message
Status The current state of the alarm in its lifecycle
Raise time The time when the alarm first showed up
Timestamp The time of the last occurence of the alarm
Count How many times the alarm has been detected since it was raised
Assignee Who is assigned to the alarm

Alarm states:

State Description
NEW The alarm hasn't been processed by anyone
ACKNOWLEGED The alarm has been acknoleged and is assigned to a user
SNOOZED The alarm has been snoozed for a given time. It will be removed from the console until snooze time is over
CLEAR The alarm is manually removed from the console, or is cancelled by its generator. The problem is gone

The alarm console UI

The alarm counter

The alarms table

The alarm filter

Action Effect
Create Open the filter edition screen
Edit Edit the current filter to change name of parameters
Save Saves the current filter selection
Apply Apply the filter parameters selected via contextual menu
Clear Clears the current filter and reload all alarms
Delete Delete the current selected filter
Action Effect
Show matching Directly filter on the selected parameter value
Exclude matching Directly filter out alarm having the same parameter value
Filter in Add the selected parameter value to the filter, without applying filter right away. This allows to select another parameter
Filter out Same as filter in, but for excluding a value

The alarm filter editor let you filter on the following parameters:

Parameter Example
Status Show NEW alarms only
Severity Show only critical alarms
User Show alarms affected to a specific user
Device Show alarms of a specific device
Type Show only alarms of HANA Systems
Module Sow only SAP jobs alarms

The alarm details menu

From the alarm table, you can open the alarm details view by clicking on the view icon of a given row.
This menu will give a very detailed view of a particular alarm: