Table of Contents
Support system
How to register a bug
Support system
Support tickets are managed via our
JIRA platform
You can register bugs and feature requests
If you don't have any account, please request it at
How to register a bug
Describe the problem with as much as context as possible
Group and system for which the problem happened
Timeframe of the problem
Recurrence of the problem: How often does it happen ?
Attach screenshots of visual problems
Attach logs
: Logs are most likely the only way to help solving the problem. There are several kinds of logs that you may attach:
Cockpit logs (
Collected from cockpit superadmin menu
For UI bugs, problem with managing data (errors on save/update/delete any data)
Pro.Monitor server logs (
collected from Pro.Monitor UI
Usefull to investigate UI bugs
worker logs
collected from Pro.Monitor UI
Usefull to investigate Monitoring errors, shortdumps in SAP systems, connection errors
To give even better chances to investigate:
If you can reproduce the problem at will, you can activate DEBUG logs, then reproduce the problem so it gets catched with more verbosity in the logs.