Monitor | metricId | metricUnit | metricTarget | metricDescription |
ABAP instance memory | ROLLING_MEMORY_USED | Percent | INSTANCE |
ABAP instance response time | ABAP_STEPS_RATE | Steps/Minutes | TASK:PERIOD | The number of steps per minute |
ABAP locks | LONG_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_NUMBER | Seconds | TABLE | The number of exclusive locks waiting on the table |
ABAP shortdumps | SHORTDUMPS_COUNT | Shortdumps | [INSTANCE][CLIENT][ERROR_ID][REPORT] | The number of short dumps occurred within the period and matching the filter |
Batch inputs | FAILED_BATCHINPUTS_NUMBER | Errors | [CLIENT][CREATOR][SESSION] | Send the number of batch input sessions with error matching the filter. |
Database backups | DATABASE_BACKUP_AGE | Minutes | TYPE | Sends the age of the last backup of a given type |
Database size | DATABASE_MAX_SPACE | Gigabytes | SID | Sends the max used space of the database |
DB Exclusive locks | LONG_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_NUMBER | Seconds | [OBJECT] | Sends the number of exclusive locks matching the filter |
Dispatcher queues | DISPATCHER_NB_WRITTEN_REQUESTS_IN_PERIOD | Written Request | INSTANCE:TYPE | The number of requests written in the queue within the configured period |
ICM status and usage | ICM_STATUS | Status | INSTANCE | Sends TRUE if ICM status is OK, FALSE instead. |
IDOC exchange monitoring | WAITING_IDOC_MESSAGES | IDOCS | [CLIENT][DIRECTION][TYPE][PARTNER][ERROR_CODE] | Sends the number of waiting IDOCS matching the filter. Target field will be set according to how specific is the configuration |
Instances availability | INSTANCE_AVAILABILITY | Status | INSTANCE | Sends TRUE if the instance is available, FALSE instead. |
PI/XI messages ABAP | PIXI_ABAP_MESSAGES_STATUS_COUNT | Message errors | [TYPE][CLIENT][SENDER][RECIVER][EMIT_INT ][REC_INT][PID] | Sends the number of messages matching the filter |
Process Chains monitoring | ABORTED_PROCESSCHAINS | Process chains | Process chain filter | Sends the number of aborted process chains matching the filter. |
Queued RFC | QRFC_OUT_ERRORS | Entries | [CLIENT][QUEUE][DESTINATION] | Send the number of QRFC entries in error in the OUTBOUND queue |
RFC Destinations availability | RFC_DESTINATION_AVAILABILITY_PER_SYSTEM | status | [DESTINATION] | The global status of the destination. True if works from all application servers, false instead. |
SAP buffers | BUFFER_QUALITY | Percent | [INSTANCE][BUFFER] | The buffer quality rate |
SAP change settings | SYSTEM_GLOBAL_CHANGE_LOCKED | Status | SID | Sends TRUE if the system change mode is authorized, FALSE instead |
SAPconnect (SCOT/SOST) | MESSAGE_TRANSFER_ERROR | Error messages | [CLIENT][TYPE][NODE][RECEIVER][SUBJECT] | Sends the number of messages with waiting state |
SAP Jobs monitoring | ABORTED_JOBS | Aborted jobs | [JOB] (CLIENT) | The number of aborted jobs matching the filter. |
SAP transaction times | TRANSACTION_AVG_TIME_PER_STEP | Avg time per step (ms) | TASK / TRANSACTION | Sends the average response time per step for a transaction, a group of transaction or a task |
SAP transports | SAP_FAILED_TRANSPORTS | Transports | [TRANSPORT][CLIENT][USER] | Sends the number of failed transports matching the filter |
SAP users | SAP_USER_INTERACTIVE_COUNT | Users | INSTANCE | The total number of interactive user connection from any type, per application server and overall |
Spools | SPOOL_BIG_SPOOL_COUNT | Spool | [THRESHOLD] | The number of spool with a size greater then the threshold |
System Logs | SYSLOG_LINE_OCCURENCE | status | Pattern X on INSTANCE | |
Transactional RFC | TRFC_OUT_ENTRIES | Entries | [STATUS][INSTANCE][FUNC][USER] | The number of OUTBOUND TRFC entries matching the filter |
Update requests | UPDATES_NOT_COMPLETED | Updates | [CLIENT][USER][TRANSACTION][REPORT] | Send the number of incomplete updates matching the filter |
Update service | UPDATES_SERVICE_AVAILABILITY | Update service availability | SID | Sends TRUE if the update service is running and with an OK status |
Work processes | WORKPROCESSES_FREE_COUNT | Work processes | [INSTANCE][TASK] | Sends the number of work processes in WAITING state for a given task |