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ABAP shortdumps


A short dump is generated when a program ends unexpectedly. This is a serious indicator that something went wrong during its execution and that some business processes might be impacted. This monitor will watch for all short dumps occurred on the system.

You can create general monitoring rules to be notified when a bursts of short dumps is detected. You can also create specific rules to cover special use cases on a given client, instance or for a given program.

Report settings

To configure short dump information to display in the daily check report, you can use the report checkbox. When the checkbox is active, short dumps matching the filter will be displayed in the report. In aggregate mode, the rule will generate a table showing the total number of dumps matching the filter. In non aggregate mode, the report will list the details of every dump matching the filter.

Configuration hints

Start by creating a rule in the table, you can customize monitoring with the following filters: - Instance: To customize for a given instance - Client: To customize for a given client - ErrorId: To select short dumps with a given error Id - Report: To select short dumps for a given report

Time period The period of time in the past to look for short dumps. Make sure the period overlaps with the monitor schedule so you won't miss any dump.

Aggregate This option allows to tune the volume of alarm that will be generated: - If enabled, you will only get one alarm if the count of dumps matching the filter is above threshold. - If disabled, you will receive one alarm per short dump, with details.

Surveillance table

ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.
InstanceA filter to match only a subset of instances.
ClientA filter to match only a subset of clients.
Error IdA filter to match only short dumps with the given error_id.
ReportA filter to match only short dumps with the given report.
Time period (min)Defines how far in the past the monitor will look for short dumps at each check. If set to 15 min, it will look for shortdumps occurred in the last 15 min.
Max dumpsThe threshold used to trigger an alarm. If the number of dumps matching the filter is greater or equal to this value, then an alarm with the appropriate severity will be sent.
AggregatesIf checked, the threshold will be compared to the total number of dumps matching the filter. If not checked, the probe will group dumps having the same Error_id and Report values and compare the cardinality of each group to the threshold. Several alarms can potentially be generated.
SeverityThe level of severity of the alarm generated by this line of surveillance.
Auto clearIf checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.
Alarm tagThis field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: “my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix”. By default, tag will be used as prefix.
AlarmIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.
MetricIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for QOS generation.
ReportIf checked, this line of surveillance will used for showing threshold and severity in the daily report


ActiveInstanceClientError IdReportTime period (min)Max dumpsAggregatesSeverityAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetric
true****151trueMAJORtrue truefalsefalse

Effect : This configuration will collect all the dumps occured in the last 15 min and generate an MAJOR alarm if any as been found.


ActiveInstanceClientError IdReportTime period (min)Max dumpsAggregatesSeverityAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetric
true*800**1510trueWARNINGtrue truefalsetrue

Effect : This will collect dumps from client 800 and generate a WARNING alarm if 10 or more are detected. A QOS will also be generated.

Generated metrics

SHORTDUMPS_COUNTShortdumps[INSTANCE][CLIENT][ERROR_ID][REPORT]The number of short dumps occurred within the period and matching the filter