Table of Contents

SAPconnect (SCOT/SOST)


SAPConnect handles message sending from SAP via different media like FAX, EMAIL and PAGING. Message sending can be very important for some processes and must be monitored accordingly. This monitor will watch for messages with ERROR or WAITING status and notify when problems are found.

Configuration hints

Start by creating a new rule in the table and set the available filters: - Client - Message type - Node - Receiver - Subject You can use regular expressions.

Period Use the period field to define how deep in the past we will look for messages

Status It gives the possibility to watch for ERROR or WAITING states of messages

Surveillance table

ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.
StatusDefines if the monitor will look for ERROR or WAITING states.
ClientA filter to match only a subset of clients.
Message typeINT for email, PAGE for paging messages and FAX for facsimile.
NodeA filter to match only a given node or subset of nodes.
ReceiverA filter to match only a given receiver or subset of receivers.
SubjectA filter to match only a given message subject.
Period (min)Defines how far in the past we look for messages. If set to 15, it will look for the messages generated in the last 15 minutes.
ThresholdThe maximum number of messages matching the status and filters.
AggregateIf checked, the results will be aggregated by medium type and then compared to threshold. If not checked, the threshold will be compared to the messages matching the filter.
SeverityThe level of severity of the alarm generated by this line of surveillance.
Auto clearIf checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.
Alarm tagThis field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: “my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix”. By default, tag will be used as prefix.
AlarmIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.
MetricIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.


ActiveStatusClientMessage typeNodeReceiverSubjectPeriod (min)ThresholdAggregateSeverityAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetric
trueERROR STATES*****151falseMAJORtrue truefalse

Effect : Sends one MAJOR alarm per type of message having 1 or more error status in the last 15 minutes


ActiveStatusClientMessage typeNodeReceiverSubjectPeriod (min)ThresholdAggregateSeverityAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetric
trueWAITING STATES800INT*jdoe*1510falseWARNINGtrue truefalse

Effect : Sends a WARNING alarm if 10 or more emails addressed to jdoe are in waiting state on client 800, since the last 15 minutes.

Generated metrics

MESSAGE_TRANSFER_ERRORError messages[CLIENT][TYPE][NODE][RECEIVER][SUBJECT]Sends the number of messages with error state
MESSAGE_TRANSFER_ERRORError messages[CLIENT][TYPE][NODE][RECEIVER][SUBJECT]Sends the number of messages with waiting state