Table of Contents



This monitor is dedicated for the monitoring of spools and spool requests: Used number and size for the spools, status and waiting time for the spool requests

Configuration hints

This monitor will fetch the spool requests that occurred since the last check (ie since last 15 min if it runs every 15 min) An exception is made for the requests in waiting state, that are fetched to a maximum limit of one week in the past.

The configuration can be set via the two surveillance tables. The first one has a fixed size and allows to define spool size and used number thresholds. The second is dedicated to the requests and allows to create any number of surveillance rules for the requests based on: - Output device - User - Number of errors - Waiting time Unused thresholds have to be set to 0. Thresholds are independent from each others.

Surveillance table

Spools monitoring

ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.
DescriptionRead only field, defines the metric being configured (used number or size)
ThresholdThe threshold of the corresponding metric, expected percent for used number and Megabytes for size for size.
SeverityThe level of severity of the alarm generated by this line of surveillance.
AggregateIf checked, the generated alarms will indicated the number of spools breaking the threshold. Otherwise, an alarm will be sent for each spool over the limit, indicating spool details.
Auto clearIf checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.
Alarm tagThis field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: “my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix”. By default, tag will be used as prefix.
AlarmIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.
MetricIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.
ReportIf checked, this line of surveillance will used for showing threshold and severity in the daily report


ActiveDescriptionThresholdSeverityAggregateAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetricReport
trueMax spool number utilization (%)30MAJORtruetrue truefalsefalse

Effect : Generates a MAJOR alarm if one or several spool used number reaches 30%. The alarm will indicates how many spools are breaking the threshold (aggregate = true)


ActiveDescriptionThresholdSeverityAggregateAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetricReport
trueMax spool size (MB)50WARNINGfalsetrue truefalsefalse

Effect : Generate a WARNING alarm for each spool with a size bigger than 50 Megabytes. Spool requests monitoring

ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.
Output deviceA filter to match a subset of printers. Use * to match all.
UserA filter to match only a subset of users. Use * to match all
Max completed w. errorsThe threshold for the maximum number of requests with “Completed with error” status.
Comp. w. error sevThe severity for the “max completed with error” alarm.
Max errorsThe threshold for the maximum number of requests with “error” status.
Error severityThe severity for the “error” alarm.
Max wait time (min)The threshold for the time a requests can stay in “Waiting” status. Set in minutes.
Max wait severityThe severity for the “waiting requests” alarm.
AggregateIf checked, generated alarm will report the number of requests breaching a threshold. If not checked, one alarm per request will be sent.
Auto clearIf checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.
Alarm tagThis field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: “my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix”. By default, tag will be used as prefix.
AlarmIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.
MetricIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.
ReportIf checked, this line of surveillance will used for showing threshold and severity in the daily report


ActiveOutput deviceUserMax completed w. errorsComp. w. error sevMax errorsError severityMax wait time (min)Max wait severityAggregateAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetricReport
true**10WARNING1MAJOR10WARNINGtruetrue truefalsefalse

Effect : Sends WARNING alarm if 10 or more “completed with error” requests are found. Sends Major alarm if one request error if found, and WARNING alarm if some requests are waiting since more than 10 minutes.


ActiveOutput deviceUserMax completed w. errorsComp. w. error sevMax errorsError severityMax wait time (min)Max wait severityAggregateAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetricReport
trueLP123*0WARNING1CRITICAL5CRITICALtruetrue truefalsefalse

Effect : Sends a CRITICAL alarm if a request sent to printer LP123 has a failed status or requests waiting for more than 5 minutes.

Generated metrics

SPOOL_REQUEST_ERRORSRequests[OUTPUT_DEVICE][USER]The number of spool requests in error
SPOOL_REQUEST_COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORSRequests[OUTPUT_DEVICE][USER]The number of spool requests completed in error
SPOOL_REQUEST_WAITINGRequests[OUTPUT_DEVICE][USER]The number of waiting spool requests
SPOOL_USED_NUMBERSPercent[OVERALL]The spool used number
SPOOL_BIG_SPOOL_COUNTSpool[THRESHOLD]The number of spool with a size greater then the threshold