Table of Contents

Transactional RFC


This monitor is dedicated to the monitoring of TRFC. It will watch for: - The number of TRFC with a given error status - The TRFC entries older than a given age.

You can customize the monitoring for a specific direction, destination, function/program or user.

Configuration hints

Use the surveillance table to adjust the monitoring settings: Thresholds, severity, filters, etc… Unused threshold has to be set to 0.

Surveillance table

ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.
PeriodTo limit the period of time in the past (minutes) to look for TRFC entries. Set 0 for checking since the last execution of this monitor.
DirectionThe direction of the TRFC entries to check.
DestinationThe destination of the transaction
Function/ProgA filter to match only a given function or program
UserA filter to match only a given user or subset of users.
statusDefines the status of the TRFC entries to check. If set to SYSFAIL, it will only look for entries with SYSFAIL status.
Max entriesDefines the maximum number of entries matching the filters and status.
Max Sev.Defines the severity of the alarm sent if maximum number of entries is reached.
Max entry age (hours)Defines the maximum age of a TRFC entry matching the filters. Specified in hours.
Age Sev.The severity of the too old entries alarm.
Auto clearIf checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.
Alarm tagThis field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: “my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix”. By default, tag will be used as prefix.
AlarmIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.
MetricIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.
ReportIf checked, this line of surveillance will used for showing threshold and severity in the daily report


ActivePeriodDirectionDestinationFunction/ProgUserstatusMax entriesMax Sev.Max entry age (hours)Age Sev.Auto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetricReport
true15OUTBOUND***SYSFAIL10MAJORWARNINGtrue truefalsefalsefalse

Effect : Sends a MAJOR alarm if there are 10 or more OUTBOUND TRFC entries with SYSFAIL status in the last 15 minutes


ActivePeriodDirectionDestinationFunction/ProgUserstatusMax entriesMax Sev.Max entry age (hours)Age Sev.Auto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetricReport
true15INBOUND***IN_PROCESS1MAJORWARNINGtrue truefalsefalsefalse

Effect : Sends a WARNING alarm if any INBOUND TRFC entry not beeing in error state is older than one hour in the last 15 minutes

Generated metrics

TRFC_IN_ENTRIESEntries[STATUS][INSTANCE][FUNC][USER]The number of INBOUND TRFC entries matching the filter
TRFC_OUT_ENTRIESEntries[STATUS][INSTANCE][FUNC][USER]The number of OUTBOUND TRFC entries matching the filter