Table of Contents



This monitor helps you to : -Make sure that nobody has configured a schedule to run too often. You can have an alert when a schedule is scheduled to run underneath a threshold (in minutes) you’ve configured. -Make sure that you don’t have too many failed schedules in your system. This allows to make sure that you are not polluted with data you won’t need anymore. -Send an alert every time a new failure is detected for a given schedule. Plus, this monitor will send metrics for you to have a chart with the execution states of a schedule.

Configuration hints

Use the “Load schedules” button to load the scheduled jobs you have in your system.

Atomic fields

Minimum recurrence accepted (min)The lowest recurrence a user can set
Minimum recurrence severityThe severity of the alarm generated if a user schedule a job to run too often
Total failures acceptedThe number of failures accepted before sending an alarm
Total failures severityThe severity of the alarm generated if the number of failures is breached

Surveillance table

ActiveIf checked, the rule will be active.
ScheduleThe schedule(s) concerned by the rule. Use the character '*' to configure a rule for all the schedules
SeverityThe severity of the alarm generated if a failure is detected
Auto clearIf checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.
Alarm tagThis field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: “my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix”. By default, tag will be used as prefix.
AlarmIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.
MetricIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.


ActiveScheduleSeverityAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetric
true*CRITICALtrue truetrue

Effect : An alarm will be generated if a new failure is detected for all the schedules defined in your system. A metric will be sent with the execution state of all the schedules

Generated metrics

BO_SCHEDULESStatus[scheduleName]A metric with the state of each scheduled execution