Table of Contents

MS-SQL Backups


Monitor features include :

Configuration hints

Surveillance table:

Backup type
Select the specific backup type you want to monitor or select “All” to monitor any kind of backup that has been made of the database

Elapsed time from last backup:
Use the multi-threshold syntax to set multiple threshold/severity associations: G2W:1 W2M:2 M2C:3 (Green To Warning, Warning To Major, etc…), expressed in days, hours or minutes An alarm of the corresponding severity will be sent if time eapsed from last backup is over threshold. Set 0 in the field if unused

Duration time in seconds:
Use the multi-threshold syntax to set multiple threshold/severity associations: G2W:60 W2M:120 M2C:180 (Green To Warning, Warning To Major, etc…), expressed in seconds An alarm of the corresponding severity will be sent if backup time duration is over threshold. Set 0 in the field if unused

Backup size in MB:
Use the multi-threshold syntax to set multiple threshold/severity associations: G2W:512 W2M:1024 M2C:2048 (Green To Warning, Warning To Major, etc…), expressed in MB An alarm of the corresponding severity will be sent if backup size is over threshold. Notice that values retrieved will be rounded Set 0 in the field if unused

Damaged DB:
Set a alert severity level if the database has been detected as damaged and you want to be notified. Set it to “DISABLED” to deactivate the alert

Surveillance table

ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.
Backup typeSelect the specific database backup type you want to monitor or select “All” so to monitor all types of backup
Elapsed time from last backupThe threshold for the elapsed time from the last backup.You can use the multi threshold syntax (i.e. : G2W:10 W2C:40) . Values can be expressed in : Days, Hours or Minutes
UnitTime unit of measure of “Elapsed time from last backup” field
Duration time in secThe threshold setting for the last backup duration time in seconds.You can use the multi threshold syntax (i.e. : G2W:10 W2C:40) . Values have tobe expressed in seconds
Backup size in MBThe threshold setting for the last backup size in MB.You can use the multi threshold syntax (i.e. : G2W:10 W2C:40) . Values have tobe expressed in MB
Damaged DBSet a severity level if you need to be alerted if the database has been detected as damaged.
Auto clearIf checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm condition is not met anymore.
Alarm tagThis field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: “my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix”. By default, tag will be used as prefix.
AlarmIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.
MetricIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.
ReportIf checked, this line of surveillance will used for showing threshold and severity in the daily report


ActiveBackup typeElapsed time from last backupUnitDuration time in secBackup size in MBDamaged DBAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetricReport
trueFullG2W:1 W2M:3DaysG2W:60 W2M:180G2W:1024 W2M:4096CRITICALtrue truetruetrue

Effect : For this rule, only Full database backup type will be monitored (Backup Type set to : “Full”).

A WARNING alarm is sent if elapsed time time from last Full database backup is 1 day (see Unit field) or more, a MAJOR alarm if 3 days (see Unit field) or more.

A WARNING alarm is sent if backup duration time was 60 seconds or more, a MAJOR alarm if 180 seconds or more. A WARNING alarm is sent if backup size is 1024 MB or more, a MAJOR alarm if 4096 MB or more.

A CRITICAL alarm will be sent if the database has been detected as damaged.

Generated metrics

MSSQL_DATABASE_ELAPSED_TIME_SINCE_LAST_BACKUP_DAYSDays[Backup Type]The retrieved elapsed time since the last backup of a given type, expressed in Days
MSSQL_DATABASE_ELAPSED_TIME_SINCE_LAST_BACKUP_HOURSHours[Backup Type]The retrieved elapsed time since the last backup of a given type, expressed in Hours
MSSQL_DATABASE_ELAPSED_TIME_SINCE_LAST_BACKUP_MINUTESMinutes[Backup Type]The retrieved elapsed time since the last backup of a given type, expressed in Minutes
MSSQL_DATABASE_BACKUP_DURATION_TIMEseconds[Backup Type]Fetched duration time of the last backup of a given type, expressed in Seconds
MSSQL_DATABASE_BACKUP_SIZEMB[Backup Type]Fetched size of the last backup of a given type, expressed in MB