Table of Contents

Datadog plugin



Parameter Description Example
Name A name of your choice for the plugin My Datadog plugin
Host The datadog API endpoint of your cloud instance: https://api.datadoghq.[com/eu]
API key The API key to use to connect to the datadog instance UUID provided by Datadog
APP key the APP key to use to connect to the datadog instance UUID provided by Datadog
Max metrics payload size The number of metrics to send per API call 50
Custom tags A comma separated key:value pairs of tags to systematically associate with metrics and events
Custom Prefix The prefix identifying generated events, metrics and logs for this integration redpeaks
Track distinct time series If enabled, Redpeaks will record distinct timeseries (see explanation below) false
Send alarms If enabled, Redpeaks will send generated alarm to Datadog, visible as events true
Send metrics If enabled, Redpeaks will send generated metrics to Datadog, visible as metrics true
Send logs If enabled, Redpeaks will send generated alarm to Datadog, visible as logs true

If you want to stop the data flow between Redpeaks and Datadog, you can deactivate the plugin.

Datadog API & APP keys


Proxy settings

Collected data




Redpeaks is using logs interface to send the following data

SAP jobs


System logs

Distinct time series tracking

GET /plugins/statistics/distinct_ts?type=DATADOG

Custom tags

From the plugin menu:

From the properties file:

the file conf/

Once set, you must restart Redpeaks

Custom Prefix