%ID% : replaces by the Alarm ID
%GROUP% : replaces by the Group (Company) name
%SID% : replaces by the System ID (SID)
%INSTANCE% : replaces by the Pro.Monitor instance name
%SEVERITY% : replaces by the the Alarm severity level
%MESSAGE% : replaces by the message sent by the Alarm
%MODULE% : replaces by the Alarm module
%TO_CLEAR% : replaces by “true” or “false” depending on if the Alarm is to be cleared or not
%CLEARABLE% : replaces by “true” or “false” depending on if the Alarm is a “can-be-cleared” type or not
%COMPONENT% : replaces by the Alarm component (i.e. “disk”)
%STACK% : replaces by the alarm stack type
%ALARM_TAG% : replaces by the description of the alarm tag
%CLEARED% : replaces by “CLEARED” if the Alarn has been already cleared or “” (none) if not
%COUNT% : replaces by alarm counter
%AGENT% : replaces by the Agent UUID (Pro.Monitor internal Agent unique identifier code)
%SAMPLE_RATE% : replaces by the monitor sample rate as per execution schedule
%RULE_NAME% : replaces by the name of the rule matched by the alarm, if any
%RULE_DESCRIPTION% : replaces by the description of the rule matched by the alarm, if any
%TIMESTAMP% : replaces by the formatted timestamp of the Alarm in local timezone
%TIMESTAMP_UNIX% : replaces by the unformatted timestamp of the Alarm in UNIX epoch format (milliseconds since January 1st 1970)
%TIMESTAMP_XXX% : replaces by the formatted timestamp of the Alarm using specified timezone (XXX):