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Command unknown: plugin_bookcreator_addtobook


General settings

  • Public domain name: Defines the public FQDN and port for navigating to the cockpit.
    • This will be used by example for creating invite links for users.
    • Useful when the Cockpit is hosted behind a reverse proxy.

Log Levels

  • Log level: Sets the log level to use.
  • Log retention: Defines how long to keep log archives

Internal monitoring

  • Slow requests retention time: Defines how long to keep slow statistics for a given request (in days)
  • Max slow requests to keep: Defines how many request statistics to keep.
  • Slow request threshold: Defines how to considere when a request is slow (in ms)
  • Max log errors to keep: Defines how many log errors to keep in retention
  • Log errors retention days: Defines how long to keep log errors (in days)


  • SMTP server: Set the SMTP server host name
  • SMTP port: Set the SMTP port (Default 25)
  • Authentication: Activates authentication
  • SMTP User & password: Define SMTP credentials
  • SMTP from: Defines the FROM recipient to use
  • SMTP is secure: Use secure protocol
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit/1.0/userguide/administration/settings.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:52 (external edit)