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  • The Reports enables users to manage and access all generated reports
  • Reports are collected from all configured collectors and can be downloaded, viewed, or resent via email
  • If SMTP settings are configured in the Cockpit and a collector didn't have SMTP, reports will be sent through the Cockpit

Report Definition

A report is a generated file that provides detailed system information, status, or monitoring data:

Parameter Description
Timestamp The time the report was received by the Cockpit
Name The unique name of the report, often reflecting its type and generation date
Type The format of the report (e.g., HTML, ZIP)
Size The size of the report file
Status The current state of the report (e.g., Sent)
Recipients The email recipients who received the report, if applicable

Reports UI

  • Download: Click the download icon to save the report locally.
  • View: Click the eye icon to preview the report directly in the interface.
  • Delete: Use the menu (three-dot icon) to delete individual reports.
  • Filter: Utilize the filter bar to search for specific reports based on name or parameters.
  • Resend Reports: If SMTP is configured, reports can be resent to the defined recipients via email.

SMTP Integration

The Cockpit can handles email report sending seamlessly using its SMTP configuration when needed

  • When “Send report via email” is enabled in the report settings:
    1. The Cockpit uses its SMTP configuration if the collector's SMTP is disabled
    2. Reports are sent to the specified recipients automatically
    3. Hover over the Recipients column to display the list of email recipients for each report


  • Reports are generated by collectors and synchronized with the Cockpit
  • Bulk actions such as downloading multiple reports or deleting selected reports are supported
  • Hover mouse on “Not Sent” in the Status column to view details about the issue
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit/1.0/userguide/application/reports.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/10 17:52 by jtbeduchaud