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E-mail Plugin


  • The e-mail plugin gives the possibility to send alarms via e-mail and customize email title and content
  • This plugin can behave in two manners:
    • Alarm rules are DISABLED: The plugin will send one email per generated alert. At least one recipient must be set.
    • Alarm rules are ENABLED: The plugin will process only the filtered alerts. Emails will be sent to the recipients added by the rule.
  • The content and title of the email can be customized by using variables matching alarm parameter names, such as SID, SEVERITY, MESSAGE, etc…
  • You can build text of HTML email bodies.


  • Press Create or select Edit in the table action menu to open the E-mail Plugin editor
Active Turns on and off the plugin
Name The display name of the plugin
To Recipients of the mail, use the plus icon to add several
CC CC recipients of the mail, use the plus icon to add several
BCC BCC recipients of the mail, use the plus icon to add several
Email format If HTTP, you can use markup
Subject The subject of the email
Body The body of the email (See below for possible variables)

If you leave Subject and body empty, a default format will be used

Email subject and body

You can build custom subject and body by using below variables:

Alarm variables

Variable Type Description
%ALARM_TAGS% Structure Replaced by alarm's tags field
%ALARM_TAGS.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by property value in tags alarm
%URI% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's uri field
%MODULE% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's module field
%METRIC_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's metric name field
%HOST% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's host field
%CON_ID% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's connector id field
%JOB_ID% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's monitor id field
%ID% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's id field
%ALARM_ID% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's alarm_id field
%SEVERITY% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's severity field
%MESSAGE% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's message field
%TO_CLEAR% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's to_clear field
%RAISE_TIME% Atomic field (Unix Timestamp) Replaced by alarm's raise time field
%RECEIVE_TIME% Atomic field (Unix Timestamp) Replaced by alarm's receive time field
%JOB_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by monitor name

Organization variables

Variable Type Description
%ORGANIZATION.ID% Atomic field Replaced by organization's id field
%ORGANIZATION.URI% Atomic field Replaced by organization's uri field
%ORGANIZATION.NAME% Atomic field Replaced by organization's name field
%ORGANIZATION.SHORT_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by organization's short name field
%ORGANIZATION.PROPERTIES% Structure Replaced by organization's properties structure
%ORGANIZATION.PROPERTIES.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by specific organization's property

Group variables

Variable Type Description
%GROUP.ID% Atomic field Replaced by group's id field
%GROUP.URI% Atomic field Replaced by group's uri field
%GROUP.NAME% Atomic field Replaced by group's name field
%GROUP.SHORT_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by group's short name field
%GROUP.PROPERTIES% Structure Replaced by group's properties structure
%GROUP.PROPERTIES.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by specific group's property

System variables

Variable Type Description
%SYSTEM.ID% Atomic field Replaced by system's id field
%SYSTEM.URI% Atomic field Replaced by system's uri field
%SYSTEM.NAME% Atomic field Replaced by system's name field
%SYSTEM.SHORT_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by system's short name field
%SYSTEM.SID% Atomic field Replaced by system's SID field
%SYSTEM.ROLE% Atomic field Replaced by system's role field
%SYSTEM.ENV% Atomic field Replaced by system's enviromnent field
%SYSTEM.PROPERTIES% Structure Replaced by system's properties structure
%SYSTEM.PROPERTIES.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by specific system's property

Connector variables

Variable Type Description
%CONNECTOR.ID% Atomic field Replaced by connector's id field
%CONNECTOR.URI% Atomic field Replaced by connector's uri field
%CONNECTOR.NAME% Atomic field Replaced by connector's name field
%CONNECTOR.PROPERTIES% Structure Replaced by connector 's properties structure
%CONNECTOR.PROPERTIES.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by specific connector's property


Subject: %SEVERITY% - %SID% - %MESSAGE%
Will give: CRITICAL - S4H - System unreachable

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit/1.0/userguide/settings/email.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/28 10:21 by sfidan