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This plugins allows to create tickets in JIRA based on generated Alerts
You can control how tickets are going to be created, updated and closed


  • Navigate to plugins, press Create and select JIRA
Parameters Description
Name Plugin name
URLthe URL of your Jira instance (ex:
User The user associated to the API token
PasswordThe API token created for the user
JIRA projectThe project key in which tickets are going to be created
Issue typeThe full name of the type of issues to create (Incident,Service Request,…)
SummaryDefines the summary format of the tickets. Variables can be used to build a custom summary
Closed statesTicket states representing a closed state (Closed, Finished, etc…)


  • The plugin requires to use basic authentication in order to use the JIRA API.
  • Therefore you must create User API Token associated to the user under which the ticket is going to be created.
  • We recommend creating the equivalent of a “service” user.
  • To create User API tokens:
    • Navigate to Atlassian administration portal
    • Open Security tab and look for User API Tokens in the left menu.
    • Create a new Token and use it as password in the Jira plugin configuration.

Raising Tickets

  • Any alarm received by the plugin will trigger the following actions:
    • Search in JIRA project if a ticket for the alarmId of the alarm already exists
    • If no Open ticket exists, then the plugin creates a new one
    • If a ticket exists, then the plugin updates the ticket, adding a new comment for the alarm.
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit/1.0/userguide/settings/jira.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/21 19:01 by rbariou