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Custom alarm sender

With this plugin, you will be able to send all alarms to an endpoint via POST requests.


Parameter Description
Active Plugin state
Name The plugin name
Alarms url The URL for the alarms API
Headers The headers to associate with each request
Payload Define the payload will be send to Alarms url
User The user if Basic authentication is required
Password The associated password
Chunk size The max number of alarms to send per request


  • The plugin automatically sets Content-Type and Accept headers.
  • You cannot overwrite those headers.

Chunk size

  • Specify the limit on the number of alarms sent per API call
  • If the limit exceeds 1, the payload will be structured as a JSON table.
  • If the limit is exactly 1, the payload will consist of a single JSON element.
  • Set a limit of 1 when interfacing with an API that can only handle one alarm per call.


Below, the list of all variables available to customize the payload


Alarm variables

Variable Type Description
%ALARM% Structure Replaced by all native alarm fields
%ALARM_TAGS% Structure Replaced by alarm's tags field
%ALARM_TAGS.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by property value in tags alarm
%URI% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's uri field
%MODULE% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's module field
%METRIC_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's metric name field
%HOST% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's host field
%CON_ID% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's connector id field
%JOB_ID% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's monitor id field
%ID% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's id field
%ALARM_ID% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's alarm_id field
%SEVERITY% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's severity field
%MESSAGE% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's message field
%TO_CLEAR% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's to_clear field
%RAISE_TIME% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's raise time field (Date format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz)
%RAISE_TIME_UNIX% Atomic field (Unix Timestamp) Replaced by alarm's raise time field
%RECEIVE_TIME% Atomic field Replaced by alarm's receive time field (Date format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz)
%RECEIVE_TIME_UNIX% Atomic field (Unix Timestamp) Replaced by alarm's receive time field
%JOB_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by monitor name

Organization variables

Variable Type Description
%ORGANIZATION% Structure Replaced by all native organization fields
%ORGANIZATION.ID% Atomic field Replaced by organization's id field
%ORGANIZATION.URI% Atomic field Replaced by organization's uri field
%ORGANIZATION.NAME% Atomic field Replaced by organization's name field
%ORGANIZATION.SHORT_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by organization's short name field
%ORGANIZATION.PROPERTIES% Structure Replaced by organization's properties structure
%ORGANIZATION.PROPERTIES.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by specific organization's property

Group variables

Variable Type Description
%GROUP% Structure Replaced by all native group fields of connector
%GROUP.ID% Atomic field Replaced by group's id field
%GROUP.URI% Atomic field Replaced by group's uri field
%GROUP.NAME% Atomic field Replaced by group's name field
%GROUP.SHORT_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by group's short name field
%GROUP.PROPERTIES% Structure Replaced by group's properties structure
%GROUP.PROPERTIES.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by specific group's property

System variables

Variable Type Description
%SYSTEM% Structure Replaced by all native system fields
%SYSTEM.ID% Atomic field Replaced by system's id field
%SYSTEM.URI% Atomic field Replaced by system's uri field
%SYSTEM.NAME% Atomic field Replaced by system's name field
%SYSTEM.SHORT_NAME% Atomic field Replaced by system's short name field
%SYSTEM.SID% Atomic field Replaced by system's SID field
%SYSTEM.ROLE% Atomic field Replaced by system's role field
%SYSTEM.ENV% Atomic field Replaced by system's enviromnent field
%SYSTEM.PROPERTIES% Structure Replaced by system's properties structure
%SYSTEM.PROPERTIES.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by specific system's property

Connector variables

Variable Type Description
%CONNECTOR% Structure Replaced by all native connector fields
%CONNECTOR.ID% Atomic field Replaced by connector's id field
%CONNECTOR.NAME% Atomic field Replaced by connector's name field
%CONNECTOR.PROPERTIES% Atomic field Replaced by connector's name field
%CONNECTOR.PROPERTIES.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by specific connector's property

Properties variables

The properties variable contains the inherited connector's properties

Variable Type Description
%PROPERTIES% Structure Replaced by all properties structure
%PROPERTIES.[PROPERTY]% Atomic field Replaced by specific property


Native alarm

Payload :


Result :

    "id": "21164794-8007-422a-8015-a3c1ed75c926",
    "alarmId": "50_-10",
    "severity": 2,
    "message": "Alarm from monitor System Checker",
    "toClear": false,
    "raiseTime": 1710772087896,
    "receiveTime": 1710772091667,
    "tenantId": "d624aaf8-5559-4494-8efc-f3e7e6ac275f",
    "uri": "/agl/prd/psm/db/syb",
    "tags": {
        "sid": "PSM",
        "host": "sybabase_test",
        "stack": "SYBASE",
        "module": "SAP_SYSTEM",
        "alarm_tag": "",
        "agl_company": "AGL"
    "host": "sybabase_test",
    "connectorId": "466d0b30-6958-4ed1-9257-9b121c94b0fe",
    "jobId": -10

Message and severity alarm, and module value from alarm tags

Payload :

	"message" : "%MESSAGE%",
	"severity" : "%SEVERITY%",
	"module" : "%ALARM_TAGS.module%"

Result :

	"message": "Alarm from monitor System Checker",
	"severity": 2,
	"module": "SAP_SYSTEM"

Native alarm and all system properties

Payload :

    "alarm" : %ALARM%
    "system_properties" : %SYSTEM.PROPERTIES%

Result :

	"alarm" : {
	    "id": "21164794-8007-422a-8015-a3c1ed75c926",
	    "alarmId": "50_-10",
	    "severity": 2,
	    "message": "Alarm from monitor System Checker",
	    "toClear": false,
	    "raiseTime": 1710772087896,
	    "receiveTime": 1710772091667,
	    "tenantId": "d624aaf8-5559-4494-8efc-f3e7e6ac275f",
	    "uri": "/agl/prd/psm/db/syb",
	    "tags": {
	        "sid": "PSM",
	        "host": "sybabase_test",
	        "stack": "SYBASE",
	        "module": "SAP_SYSTEM",
	        "alarm_tag": "",
	        "agl_company": "AGL"
	    "host": "sybabase_test",
	    "connectorId": "466d0b30-6958-4ed1-9257-9b121c94b0fe",
	    "jobId": -10
	"system_properties" : {
    	    "ex_prop_1": "prop 1",
    	    "ex_prop_2": "prop 2",

Full example

    // Native alarm
    "alarm": %ALARM%,

    // structure tags in alarm
    "alarm_tags": %ALARM_TAGS%,

    // sid, company, host, module value in structure tags in alarm
    "alarm_tags_sid": "%ALARM_TAGS.sid%",
    "alarm_tag_company": "%ALARM_TAGS.agl_company%",
    "alarm_tag_host": "",
    "alarm_tag_module": "%ALARM_TAGS.module%",

    // Individual alarm property 
    "uri": "%URI%",
    "module": "%MODULE%",
    "metric_name": "%METRIC_NAME%",
    "host": "%HOST%",
    "con_id": "%CON_ID%",
    "job_id": "%JOB_ID%",
    "id": "%ID%",
    "alarm_id": "%ALARM_ID%",
    "severity": "%SEVERITY%",
    "message": "%MESSAGE%",
    "to_clear": "%TO_CLEAR%",
    "raise_time": "%RAISE_TIME%",
    "receive_time": "%RECEIVE_TIME%",
    "job_name": "%JOB_NAME%",

    // Organization structure 
    "org": %ORGANIZATION%,

    // Individual organization property
    "org_id": "%ORGANIZATION.ID%",
    "org_uri": "%ORGANIZATION.URI%",
    "org_name": "%ORGANIZATION.NAME%",
    "org_short_name": "%ORGANIZATION.SHORT_NAME%",
    "org_properties": %ORGANIZATION.PROPERTIES%,

    // Group structure 
    "group": %GROUP%,

    // Individual Group property
    "group_id": "%GROUP.ID%",
    "group_uri": "%GROUP.URI%",
    "group_name": "%GROUP.NAME%",
    "group_short_name": "%GROUP.SHORT_NAME%",
    "group_properties": %GROUP.PROPERTIES%,

    // System structure 
    "sys": %SYSTEM%,

    // Individual System property
    "sys_id": "%SYSTEM.ID%",
    "sys_uri": "%SYSTEM.URI%",
    "sys_name": "%SYSTEM.NAME%",
    "sys_short_name": "%SYSTEM.SHORT_NAME%",
    "sys_sid": "%SYSTEM.SID%",
    "sys_role": "%SYSTEM.ROLE%",
    "sys_env": "%SYSTEM.ENV%",
    "sys_properties": %SYSTEM.PROPERTIES%,
    "sys_prop_1": "%SYSTEM.PROPERTIES.Prop_1%"


    "alarm": {
        "id": "21164794-8007-422a-8015-a3c1ed75c926",
        "alarmId": "50_-10",
        "severity": 2,
        "message": "Alarm from monitor System Checker",
        "toClear": false,
        "raiseTime": 1710772087896,
        "receiveTime": 1710772091667,
        "tenantId": "d624aaf8-5559-4494-8efc-f3e7e6ac275f",
        "uri": "/agl/prd/psm/db/syb",
        "tags": {
            "sid": "PSM",
            "host": "sybabase_test",
            "stack": "SYBASE",
            "module": "SAP_SYSTEM",
            "alarm_tag": "",
            "agl_company": "AGL"
        "host": "sybabase_test",
        "connectorId": "466d0b30-6958-4ed1-9257-9b121c94b0fe",
        "jobId": -10
    "alarm_tags": {
        "sid": "PSM",
        "host": "sybabase_test",
        "stack": "SYBASE",
        "module": "SAP_SYSTEM",
        "alarm_tag": "",
        "agl_company": "AGL"
    "alarm_tags_sid": "PSM",
    "alarm_tag_company": "AGL",
    "alarm_tag_host": "sybabase_test",
    "alarm_tag_module": "SAP_SYSTEM",
    "uri": "/agl/prd/psm/db/syb",
    "module": "null",
    "metric_name": "null",
    "host": "sybabase_test",
    "con_id": "466d0b30-6958-4ed1-9257-9b121c94b0fe",
    "job_id": "-10",
    "id": "21164794-8007-422a-8015-a3c1ed75c926",
    "alarm_id": "50_-10",
    "severity": "2",
    "message": "Alarm from monitor System Checker",
    "to_clear": "false",
    "raise_time": "1710772087896",
    "receive_time": "1710772091667",
    "job_name": "%JOB_NAME%",
    "org": {
        "shortName": "AGL",
        "uri": "/agl",
        "childsUri": [],
        "childsUUID": [
        "tags": [],
        "properties": {},
        "id": "40568f35-4361-499f-a6bb-2984b29e25b5",
        "name": "AGL",
        "creationDate": 1650364414556,
        "updateDate": 1709029294162,
        "updatedBy": "31ce6dc7-ceb4-4b98-9500-64083ff42146"
    "org_id": "40568f35-4361-499f-a6bb-2984b29e25b5",
    "org_uri": "/agl",
    "org_name": "AGL",
    "org_short_name": "AGL",
    "org_properties": {},
    "group": {
        "shortName": "PRD",
        "uri": "/agl/prd",
        "parentUUID": "40568f35-4361-499f-a6bb-2984b29e25b5",
        "childsUri": [],
        "childsUUID": [
        "tags": [],
        "properties": {},
        "id": "8dac7cbf-1eb0-4ae9-b9d7-d92f78b89844",
        "intId": 8577137,
        "name": "Agentil_PROD",
        "creationDate": 1650364414556
    "group_id": "8dac7cbf-1eb0-4ae9-b9d7-d92f78b89844",
    "group_uri": "/agl/prd",
    "group_name": "Agentil_PROD",
    "group_short_name": "PRD",
    "group_properties": {},
    "sys": {
        "shortName": "PSM",
        "sid": "PSM",
        "type": "NETWEAVER",
        "systemProperties": {},
        "role": "DEVELOPMENT",
        "environment": "BW4",
        "uri": "/agl/prd/psm",
        "parentUUID": "8dac7cbf-1eb0-4ae9-b9d7-d92f78b89844",
        "childsUri": [],
        "childsUUID": [
        "tags": [],
        "properties": {
            "Prop_1": "value 1"
        "id": "8fe9f758-8831-42da-a238-c781d5496bae",
        "intId": 18,
        "name": "PSM",
        "description": "PSM System",
        "creationDate": 1650364414557,
        "updateDate": 1711038533036,
        "updatedBy": "31ce6dc7-ceb4-4b98-9500-64083ff42146"
    "sys_id": "8fe9f758-8831-42da-a238-c781d5496bae",
    "sys_uri": "/agl/prd/psm",
    "sys_name": "PSM",
    "sys_short_name": "PSM",
    "sys_sid": "PSM",
    "sys_role": "DEVELOPMENT",
    "sys_env": "BW4",
    "sys_properties": {
        "Prop_1": "value 1"
    "sys_prop_1": "value 1"
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/1.0/userguide/settings/customalarmsender.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)