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A snapshot is a backup of the entire configuration, written into an exportable flat file
It contains:

  • Monitoring settings (Systems, connectors, user profiles, monitors, profiles, etc…)
  • Admin settings
  • User settings
  • Plugins

It excludes:

  • Generated reports
  • Monitor metadata and historical information
  • Logs
  • Statistics


The snapshot section of the admin menu allows to do the following:

  • Configure backup plan
  • Import and apply snapshot
  • Create and export snapshot

Backup plan

  • The backup plan will define how often a backup of the configuration will be performed.
  • The backup operation consists of taking a snapshot of the configuration, which is stored on Pro.Monitor server.
  • To configure the backup, set its recurrence using the backup plan formular below.
  • If Smart backup is active, the snapshot will be created only if a configuration change occurred since the last backup

Import snapshots

  • Use the upload button to select a snapshot file on your local system and upload it to Pro.Monitor
  • It will be displayed in the table of available snapshots. From this table you will see snapshot date, comment and if it was added manually or generated automatically.
  • Select your snapshot and press Apply, it will replace the entire configuration by the one set in the snapshot

Note: Pro.Monitor has been designed to 100% backward compatible with any version of snapshots

Caution: To apply a snapshot will remove any existing configuration, if you want to be able to recover it, take a snapshot before.

Take/Export snapshots

  • Press the Take snapshot button to manually create a snapshot of the configuration
  • The snapshot will be displayed in the table.
  • Press the Download button to copy the file on your local system.
  • This file can then be used to export the snapshot to another Pro.Monitor instance or to restore its configuration.

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.5/userguide/administration/snapshots.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)