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7. Create users

ABAP system

  • In order to monitor an ABAP system, a dedicated user must be created in SAP and registered in Pro.Monitor
  • All the accesses performed in the system will be made on the behalf of this user
  • This user must have appropriate authorizations to grant access to the components that needs to be monitored
  • You can download a predefined authorization profile from Admin menu→Admin configuration→Upload/Download→Download SAP user profile
  • Via the PFCG transaction, you can import this profile in SAP
  • Create the user in SAP via SU01 transaction and associate it with the uploaded profile
  • Following default settings must be used :

  • Note: For “Cross clients” monitors, it is advised to use a connector to client 000 only. Information from other clients will be fetched from this client. For non “Cross clients” monitors, a connector per client must be created
  • Once the SAP user is created, you can register it in Pro.Monitor. From the left side screen, open the menu of SYSTEMS tab, click on SAP USERS, then ADD

JAVA system

  • In order to monitor a JAVA stack system, Pro.Monitor uses SAPControl web services.
  • If the mandatory services are protected, Pro.Monitor will need a dedicated OS user with admin privileges (like [SID]adm)
  • See SapControl connector setup for more information

HANA system

  • In order to monitor a HANA database, we need an SQL user associated with MONITORING authorization
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.6/installguide/setupusers.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)