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Database memory utilization


Memory is the main resource of HANA DB and must be watched closely. This monitor will check the memory usage of every service and notify if utilization exceeds threshold

Configuration hints

Create a rule in the surveillance table to start monitoring memory usage. Use host and service filter to customize the monitoring for a given node or service

Memory utilization is computed at different levels: - Instance level: The combined usage of all services - Service level: The usage of each individual service It gives the possibility to monitor the current memory consumption as well as an increase of the consumption over a given period of time.

Atomic fields

Auto clearIf set, the generated alarms will be automatically cleared from the console if the alarm condition is not fulfilled anymore

Surveillance table

ActiveIf checked, the rule is enabled and will be processed
HostCan be used to restrict the monitoring to a given host (multi instance case). A star (‘*’) will match any host
ServiceDefines which service is monitored. A star (‘*’) will match any service, and therefore, it will calculate the combined usage of all services. Otherwise, it is the usage of the specified service that will be calculated
Max used memory (Mb/%)The alarm threshold for the current memory usage. You can specify percentage or absolute value in Mega Bytes
Max used memory delta (Mb/%)The alarm threshold of the memory consumption increase over the period set in the “Delta time” field. Example: Send an alarm if the memory usage increases by 20% in the last 5 min
Delta timeThe period of time used to make a delta comparison of the memory usage
SeverityDefines the level of severity of the alarm that will be generated if one of the thresholds is reached
Alarm tagYou can define some text to use as a prefix of the alarm message generated by the current rule
AlarmDefines if an alarm has to be generated for the given rule
MetricDefines if a metric has to be generated for the given rule

Generated metrics

MEMORY_PERCENTAGEUSEDPercent or Mega BytesHOSTSends memory usage ratio per host
MEMORY_USEDPercent or Mega BytesHOST - SERVICESends memory used space
MEMORY_PERCENTAGEUSED_PER_SERVICEPercent or Mega BytesHOST - SERVICESends memory usage ratio per service
MEMORY_USED_PER_SERVICEPercent or Mega BytesHOST - SERVICESends memory used space per service
MEMORY_ALLOC_SIZEMega BytesHOST - SERVICESends memory allocation size per service
MEMORY_EFFECTIVE_ALLOC_SIZEMega BytesHOST - SERVICESends effective memory allocation size per service
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.6/monitorsguide/hana/databasememoryutilization.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)