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HANA transactions


If too many transactions are blocked for a long time, this could indicate performance or optimization problems. This monitor will watch blocked and uncommitted transactions.

Configuration hints

You can customize the monitoring based on the host and the user running the transaction. You can also filter by schema and table name.

You can monitor the total number of blocked or uncommitted transactions as well as transactions blocked for a given time.

Surveillance table

ActiveIf checked, the rule is enabled and will be processed
HostCan be used to restrict the monitoring to a given host (multi instance case). A star (‘*’) will match any host
SchemaCan be used to restrict the monitoring on the transactions happening within a given schema. A star (‘*’) will match any schema
TableCan be used to restrict the monitoring on the transactions done on a given table. A star (‘*’) will match any table
UserIf different than star (‘*’), only the connections of the given user will be taken into account
Max blocked transThe alarm threshold of the maximum blocked transactions
Max blocked time (s.)Only the transactions blocked since more than this threshold will be taken into account
Max uncommited trans.The alarm threshold of the maximum uncommited transactions
AggregateIf checked, an alarm will be sent if the total number of transactions blocked since more than the time threshold is over the max blocked threshold. If not checked, one alarm per transaction blocked since more than threshold will be sent
SeverityDefines the level of severity of the alarm that will be generated if one of the thresholds is reached
Auto clearIf set, the generated alarms will be automatically cleared from the console if the alarm condition is not fulfilled anymore
Alarm tagYou can define some text to use as a prefix of the alarm message generated by the current rule
AlarmDefines if an alarm has to be generated for the given rule
MetricDefines if a metric has to be generated for the given rule

Generated metrics

TRANSACTIONS_BLOCKED_COUNTTransactionsHOSTSends the number of blocked transactions
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.6/monitorsguide/hana/hanatransactions.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)