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HTTPS settings


  • Pro.Monitor HTTPS port id 8443 by default
  • You can configure another port from the HTTPS menu
  • You can also disable HTTP connections

  • Default certificate will not work in Multi-instance mode, agents will refuse the connection because the certificate is not bound to server IP address
  • In this case, you must generate a self signed certificate and bind it to the local IP
  • Generate certificates will be stored in the keystore
  • Pro.Monitor keystore is located in the certificates/.keystore file of Pro.Monitor install folder

NOTE: After adding a certificate, it is advised to restart Pro.Monitor service.

Adding certificates

  • There are several reasons why you might need to register certificates for secure connections:
    • Secure LDAP
    • Secure plugin
    • Secure primary server (for agents)
    • Secure SAPControl or portal connection
  • First you need to get the certificate and then to install it.

Download certificate

  • The most convenient way to get server certificate is to use your web browser.
  • In the URL field, there is usually a lock icon displayed when using HTTPS. Right click on the icon to open a contextual menu and look for certificate details.
  • From there you can export the certificate and save it locally.
  • Use CER Base64 format when available.

NOTE: This procedure may vary from one browser to another

Install certificate

  • This can be done manually by using keytool.exe from java/bin folder.
  • Copy the server certificate on the client (The server connecting to the secured service)
  • >keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore [PROMONITOR_INSTALL_PATH]/certificates/.keystore -storepass agentilKeyStore -noprompt -alias [ALIAS_NAME_YOU_WANT] -file [certificate.cer]
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.6/userguide/administration/https.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)