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Install JAVA


  • Stop Pro.Monitor service
  • You can use the latest JAVA OpenJDK GA version (currently 13) available here:
  • Download the windows/x64 archive from the build section and unzip it in your usual Java install path: C:\Program Files\Java
  • Add the path to the JAVA bin folder within your global system Path variable (Example: C:\Program Files\Java\openJdk_12\bin)
  • Set JRE_HOME environment variable to the JAVA installation folder
  • Open a shell and execute java –version you should see a similar screen, mentioning 64-Bit Server VM

Migration from JAVA JRE to OpenSDK

  • Download the OpenSdk Archive and expand it.
  • Uninstall former versions of JAVA
  • Remove folder C:\ProgramData\Oracle
  • Set PATH and JRE_HOME environement variables

Need to troubleshoot: Installation problems


  • Use the existing package installer (apt or yum for example) to install latest GA version of JAVA OpenJDK (currently 13)
  • Example on CentOS:
> yum install java-latest-openjdk-headless.x86_64   # Installs the latest OpenJDK binaries
> alternatives --config java                        # In case of upgrade: Switches the links to point to the new version
> java -version                                     # Check you run the latest version
  • Or download the Linux/x64 archive from and decompress it in your usual Java install path and update /usr/bin/java link
  • Refer to the online documentation specific to your Linux distribution


  • Avoid installing version 151 and 161 of Java 8, it has known issues preventing to use compression between server and browsers
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.7/installguide/installjava.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)