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  • Access to the function : Administrator settings –> Agents

About Agent life cycle

  • When an agent registers for the first time in Pro.Monitor, it has a PENDING state. It will not execute any task.
  • An administrator will then ACCEPT the agent via the dedicated button
  • Few seconds later, the agent will appear in the list of accepted agents
  • When an agent is ON with a status WORKING, it is ready to execute monitoring tasks.
  • Monitoring workload will be evenly distributed across agents, according to their associations (see agents groups).
  • You can temporarily deactivate an agent by selecting it and using ACTION menu to press Deactivate. No more tasks will be executed.
  • You can delete an accepted agent. It will go back in the list of pending agents, until switched off.
  • If an accepted agent stops to poll the primary server, it will be detected after few minutes. Its state will switch to OFFLINE and its current workload will be rescheduled on other available agents.

NOTE: When several agents share the same workload, it is recommended to use similar specs for their servers.
NOTE: In standalone mode, it is not necessary to assign groups to the local agent. But if you do so be aware that unassigned groups won't be monitored.
WARNING: If a group is not assigned to any agent, all its systems won't be monitored and a warning popup will be displayed

Agents table

  • Represents the complete list of accepted remote agents available to process workload

Columns :

  • Selector : Check/uncheck a given agent, then use the Action button to Activate/Deactivate the agent
  • State : ON/OFF (Activated/Deactivated)
  • Agent name : The name that the agent has chosen as identifier
  • Status : will be ONLINE if the agent Pro.Monitor instance is running, OFFLINE if the instance is stopped
  • Groups : Number of Groups currently monitored by the agent
  • Version : Pro.Monitor version installed on the agent instance
  • Successful execution : Successful workload rate executed by the agent
  • Processing ratio :
  • Forwarded errors : Errors sent from the agent to primary server in the last 4 hours
  • Heap :
  • RAM : Agent RAM consumption rate / RAM allocated
  • Disk : Agent hard disk memory used / hard disk size
  • Drivers : JCO and HANA : Informs the Administrator if necessary drivers for monitoring are installed on agent machine

Pending Agents table

  • Represents the list of pending remote agents waiting to be accepted.
  • Click on Accept button to validate the agent, it will then be displayed on the Agents table (see above)

Association per Group

  • Associations tab –> Per group tab
  • A table displays one company per row
  • Agent names monitoring the company data are displayed
  • To assign/unassign the monitoring of a given company from agents click on Assign button
    • a modal window will then display
      • all agent names currently monitoring the company (left)
      • all available agent names to which assign the company (right)

Association per Agent

  • Associations tab –> Per agent tab
  • A table displays one agent per row
  • All company names monitored by that particular agent are displayed
  • To assign/unassign the monitoring of a given company from agents click on Assign button
    • a modal window will then display
      • all company names currently monitored by the agent (left)
      • all available company names that can be assigned to the agent (right)

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.7/userguide/administration/agents.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)